Clone | Creates a clone of an object. |
Clone | Creates a clone of an object. |
AllowAnonymousConnection | True to allow an anonymous connection. Not applicable with connections without login. |
AllowUsingAuthenticationPlugins | True if authentication plugin configurations are used for authentication. |
ClientCapabilities | The capabilities of the connected client. |
ClientCertificateValidated | True if the client has prevalidated the client certificate. This value is trusted if the client is physically the same computer as the server (for instance with LRPC connections). |
ClientCulture | The client culture. |
ClientDeviceToken | The device-specific identifier of the client device. Each device should report a globally unique identifier. The identifier can be, for example, the notification push identifier. |
ClientHostPlatform | A free-formatted name for the host device, OS and the platform. For example 'Firefox 56.0', 'Windows 10', 'Android 7.0'. |
ClientType | The type of the client software. |
ClientTypeSpecifier | A more specific and free-formatted name for the user agent, such as 'M-Files Client'. |
EncryptedConnection | True if the connection is encrypted. Not applicable with connections without login. |
Endpoint | The endpoint port. |
LocalComputerName | The local computer name. |
LogicalTargetServer | The logical target server name. |
NetworkAddress | The network address. |
ProtocolSequence | The protocol sequence to use.
TimeZone | The time zone of the client. |