M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
MFBuiltInPropertyDef Enumeration
Property definitions readily available in the system.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAccessedByMe81The last time the object was accessed by the current user.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefACLChanged90The date and time of the last change to the ACL of the object version.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAdditionalClasses36A list of additional classes for the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAssignedTo44A list of users to whom the object version is assigned.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAssignmentDescription41The assignment description for the current object version assignment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefClass100The class of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefClassGroups101The class group of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCollectionMemberCollections47A list of document collections belonging to the document collection.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCollectionMemberDocuments46A list of documents belonging to the document collection.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefComment33Comment text for the object version. Same as MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionComment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCompleted98Specifies whether or not the assignment has been completed.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCompletedBy45A list of users who have completed the current assignment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefConflictedVersion107The version where the conflict happened.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefConflictResolved96The date and time a conflict was last resolved in favor of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreated20The creation date and time of an object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreatedBy25Identifies the user who created the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreatedFromExternalLocation35The external source from which the object was imported.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeadline42The deadline date for the current object version assignment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeleted27The deletion date and time of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeletedBy28Identifies the user who deleted the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeletionStatusChanged93The date and time of the last change to the deletion status of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEditAccessToUserGroups111List of users groups that have edit access to document.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEditAccessToUsers110List of users that have edit access to document.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEmailConversationID112The conversation ID of an email.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefFavoriteView82The 'favorite views' where the object should be shown.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefIncompleteMetadata104Incomplete metadata.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefInReplyTo84E-mail in-reply-to internet header value.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefInReplyToReference85E-mail in-reply-to references between documents belonging to the same conversation.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefIsTemplate37A Boolean property identifying whether the object is a template.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefKeywords26Keywords for the object. Not included in the sample vault.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModified21The last modification date and time of an object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModifiedBy23Identifies the user who performed the last modification for the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLocation103The location in a repository.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMarkedForArchiving32A Boolean property identifying whether the object is marked for archiving.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMessageID83E-mail message-id from internet headers.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMonitoredBy43A list of users who are monitoring the current assignment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefNameOrTitle0The name or title property definition.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectChanged89The date and time of the last change to the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectChangedForExport105The last time the object had either a versioning or non-versioning change for content exporting.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectID-102This special value is used for referring to Object ID in ObjectTypeColumnMapping.TargetPropertyDef.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectVersionChangedForExport106The last time the object version had a change for content exporting.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath75The location from which the object was imported to M-Files.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath277The location from which the object was imported to M-Files (continued).
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath378The location from which the object was imported to M-Files (continued).
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReadAccessToUserGroups109List of user groups that have read access to document.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReadAccessToUsers108List of users that have read access to document.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReference76A list of referenced documents.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefRejectedBy97A list of users who have rejected the current assignment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReportPlacement88Report placement.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReportURL87Report URL.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefRepository102The repository of an object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefShareAsReadOnly113List of Share objects that will give read-only permissions.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSharedFiles95The shared location paths of the object's shared files.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSignatureManifestation86Signature manifestation.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSingleFileObject22A Boolean property identifying whether the object is a single-file object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerAllVersions31The total size of all object versions.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerThisVersion30The size of this object version.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefState39The workflow state of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateEntered40The date when the object state was changed to the current state.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateTransition99The workflow state transition of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStatusChanged24The date and time of the last status change of the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefTraditionalFolder34A traditional folder containing this object version.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVaultGUID94The GUID of the vault that contains or contained the object to which the shortcut object refers to.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionComment33Comment text for the object version. Same as MFBuiltInPropertyDefComment.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionCommentChanged92The date and time of the last change to the comment of the object version.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionLabel29The version label for the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionLabelChanged91The date and time of the last change to the version label of the object version.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow38The workflow for the object.
MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflowAssignment79A property which indicates the assignment related to the workflow of the object.
Built-in property definitions and their data types can be inspected by using M-Files Admin.