M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
MFFileValueType Enumeration
Available conditions regarding file information.
MFFileValueTypeChangeTime5The file’s change time.
MFFileValueTypeCreationTime4The file’s creation time.
MFFileValueTypeDuplicatesOnly8Specifies whether the object has one or more duplicates.
MFFileValueTypeFileID3File ID.
MFFileValueTypeFileName1File name (title + extension), can include DOS wildcards (such as *.txt).
MFFileValueTypeFileSize2File size in bytes.
MFFileValueTypeHasFiles0Specifies whether the object contains one or more files.
MFFileValueTypeLinkedToExtLoc6Specifies whether the file is linked to an external location (Yes/No).
MFFileValueTypeLinkedToExtLocID7The ID of the external location to which the file is linked. NULL if not linked.
MFFileValueTypeDuplicatesOnly supported in M-Files 21.12.10943.6 and later.