M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
MFImportContentFlag Enumeration
Bit flags that provide information about a content import job.
MFImportContentFlagDeleteContentPackage4If present, the content package is deleted after the import.
MFImportContentFlagDoNotImportObjectDestructions64If present, information on object destructions is not imported.
MFImportContentFlagForceNoStructureIdUpdate16384Forces the target vault to keep existing structure item GUIDs.
MFImportContentFlagImportCheckoutStates16If present, the checkout states of objects are imported.
MFImportContentFlagOmitDoneFile32768Prevents the 'done' file creation.
MFImportContentFlagUseMultipleContentPackages1If present, the location represents a folder with multiple content packages.
MFImportContentFlagUseNamesAsAliases128If present, the incoming name of a structure item is used as its alias if no other alias is available.