Available conditions related to status information.
Member | Value | Description |
MFStatusTypeCheckedOut | 0 | The object's checked-out state. |
MFStatusTypeCheckedOutAt | 2 | The date when the object was checked out. |
MFStatusTypeCheckedOutTo | 1 | The user who has checked out the object. |
MFStatusTypeDeleted | 5 | The deletion state of the object. |
MFStatusTypeExtID | 8 | External ID. |
MFStatusTypeIsLatestCheckedInVersion | 7 | The version must be the latest checked-in version. |
MFStatusTypeLatestOrSpecific | 9 | The latest version / specific version indicator. For the latest version, the indicator yields 'Latest' and 'Specific'. For others, the indicator yields only 'Specific'. |
MFStatusTypeObjectFlags | 11 | The object flags of the object. Does not include the deleted flag. |
MFStatusTypeObjectID | 3 | The ID of the object. |
MFStatusTypeObjectTypeAndID | 10 | The type and ID of the object. |
MFStatusTypeObjectTypeID | 6 | The ID of the object type. |
MFStatusTypeObjectVersionID | 4 | The ID of the object version. |
MFStatusTypeOriginalObjectID | 14 | The ID of the object in the vault in which the object was originally created. |
MFStatusTypeOriginalObjectIDSegment | 15 | The ID segment of the object in the vault in which the object was originally created. Segment size is always 1000. |
MFStatusTypeOriginalObjectType | 13 | The type of the object in the vault in which the object was originally created. |
MFStatusTypeOriginalVaultGUID | 12 | The GUID of the vault in which the object was originally created. |