M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
ConnectAdministrativeEx5 Method
MFilesServerApplication Object : ConnectAdministrativeEx5 Method
The connection details.
Indicates an authentication type as one value of the 'MFAuthType' enumeration. The default value indicates the current logged in Windows user ('MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser').
Optional parameter. The name of the user. Used only when 'AuthType' is not 'MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser'.
Optional parameter. The password. Used only when 'AuthType' is not 'MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser'.
Optional parameter. The domain name. Used only when 'AuthType' is 'MFAuthTypeSpecificWindowsUser'.
The service principal name (SPN).
Connects to the server in administrative mode. Allows connection without a login account if the user has administrative rights on the server computer.
Visual Basic
Public Function ConnectAdministrativeEx5( _
   ByVal ConnectionData As ConnectionData, _
   Optional ByVal AuthType As MFAuthType = MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser, _
   Optional ByVal UserName As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal Password As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal Domain As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal SPN As Variant _
) As MFServerConnection
The connection details.
MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUserWindows authentication with current user credentials.
MFAuthTypeSpecificMFilesUserM-Files authentication, user needs to specify the credentials.
MFAuthTypeSpecificWindowsUserWindows authentication, user needs to specify the credentials.
MFAuthTypeUnknownUnspecified authentication method.
Indicates an authentication type as one value of the 'MFAuthType' enumeration. The default value indicates the current logged in Windows user ('MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser').
Optional parameter. The name of the user. Used only when 'AuthType' is not 'MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser'.
Optional parameter. The password. Used only when 'AuthType' is not 'MFAuthTypeLoggedOnWindowsUser'.
Optional parameter. The domain name. Used only when 'AuthType' is 'MFAuthTypeSpecificWindowsUser'.
The service principal name (SPN).
Requires M-Files 18.10.6895.1 or later.
See Also

MFilesServerApplication Object  | MFilesServerApplication Members