M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
GetValueAsText Method
PropertyValue Object : GetValueAsText Method
Specifies whether the value is to be localized (for example dates).
If this parameter is set to true, a NULL value should be returned as an empty string. Otherwise, it returns the stringified version of NULL, typically (null) or (empty).
If the property value is empty, specifies whether the returned value should be treated as a hidden value.
True to set the possible timestamp to be presented in the long date format.
If true, seconds are not included in the formatted string.
True to return numeric values as kilobytes.
Returns the property value in a human-readable format.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetValueAsText( _
   ByVal Localized As Boolean, _
   ByVal NULLAsEmptyString As Boolean, _
   ByVal EmptyLookupDisplayValuesAsHidden As Boolean, _
   ByVal LongDateFormat As Boolean, _
   ByVal NoSeconds As Boolean, _
   ByVal NumericValueAsKilobytes As Boolean _
) As String
Specifies whether the value is to be localized (for example dates).
If this parameter is set to true, a NULL value should be returned as an empty string. Otherwise, it returns the stringified version of NULL, typically (null) or (empty).
If the property value is empty, specifies whether the returned value should be treated as a hidden value.
True to set the possible timestamp to be presented in the long date format.
If true, seconds are not included in the formatted string.
True to return numeric values as kilobytes.
Return Type
Returns the string containing the display value of the property value.
See Also

PropertyValue Object  | PropertyValue Members