M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
ScheduledJobTrigger Object Members
Public Methods
Creates a copy of the object.
Public Properties
Day of the month (specified in the BeginMonth member) that the scheduled job trigger activates. The beginning day must be specified when setting a scheduled job.
Month of the year (specified in the BeginYear member) that the scheduled job trigger activates. The beginning month must be specified when setting a scheduled job.
Year that the task trigger activates. This value must be four digits (1997, not 97). The beginning year must be specified when setting a scheduled job.
Day of the month (specified in the EndMonth member) that the scheduled job trigger deactivates.
Month of the year (specified in the EndYear member) that the scheduled job trigger deactivates.
Year that the scheduled job trigger deactivates. This value must be four digits (1997, not 97).
Hour of the day the scheduled job runs. This value is on a 24-hour clock; hours go from 00 to 23.
Minute of the hour (specified in the StartHour member) that the scheduled job runs.
Trigger's type and additional type specific information.
Trigger's end date is valid. If this flag is not set, the end date data is ignored and the trigger will be valid indefinitely.
See Also

ScheduledJobTrigger Object