M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
AddScheduledTask Method
VaultApplicationTaskOperations Object : AddScheduledTask Method
The ID of the task queue to which the new task is to be added.
The timeout in minutes after which the task is set to the waiting state.
The task type. This can be used as an identifier for how the task data should be interpreted.
The payload of the task.
The earliest time the task can be reserved for processing.
Adds a scheduled task to a task queue. The "ApplicationTaskInfo" object must contain the ID of the task queue to which the task is to be added.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddScheduledTask( _
   ByVal QueueID As String, _
   ByVal RestoreToWaitingTimeoutInMinutes As Long, _
   ByVal TaskType As String, _
   ByVal TaskData() As Byte, _
   ByVal ActivationTimestamp As Timestamp _
) As String
The ID of the task queue to which the new task is to be added.
The timeout in minutes after which the task is set to the waiting state.
The task type. This can be used as an identifier for how the task data should be interpreted.
The payload of the task.
The earliest time the task can be reserved for processing.

Supported in M-Files 19.7.8028.5 and later.

This method is available only if M-Files API is used in the server interface mode.

See Also

VaultApplicationTaskOperations Object  | VaultApplicationTaskOperations Members