M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
GetMatchingNamedACLForAccessControlListComponent Method
VaultNamedACLOperations Object : GetMatchingNamedACLForAccessControlListComponent Method
The specified access control list component.
If true, the named ACL link is used for matching. If false, the ACE content is compared.
Specifies whether to refresh the NACLs from the server if possible.
Returns a named access control list that matches the specified access control list component.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetMatchingNamedACLForAccessControlListComponent( _
   ByVal AccessControlListComponent As AccessControlListComponent, _
   Optional ByVal ExplicitLinkOnly As Boolean = True, _
   Optional ByVal RefreshFromServer As Boolean = False _
) As NamedACL
The specified access control list component.
If true, the named ACL link is used for matching. If false, the ACE content is compared.
Specifies whether to refresh the NACLs from the server if possible.
See Also

VaultNamedACLOperations Object  | VaultNamedACLOperations Members