M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
DownloadFileInBlocks_ReadBlock Method
VaultObjectFileOperations Object : DownloadFileInBlocks_ReadBlock Method
The identifier of the download operation returned by DownloadFileInBlocks_Begin.
The number of bytes to be read. For the download session to be closed, the combined size of the blocks must exceed the actual size of the file.  The block size should not be more than 4MB (4,194,304). Before M-Files 23.3, using a block size of larger than 4MB may cause unexpected behavior, including exceptions, depending upon the underlying storage. From M-Files 23.3, M-Files will throw an exception if the block size is larger than 4MB.
The byte offset from the beginning of the file as a 64-bit integer.
Retrieves a specific block of the specified file from the server.
Visual Basic
Public Function DownloadFileInBlocks_ReadBlock( _
   ByVal DownloadID As Long, _
   ByVal BlockSize As Long, _
   ByVal Offset As Unknown _
) As Byte()
The identifier of the download operation returned by DownloadFileInBlocks_Begin.
The number of bytes to be read. For the download session to be closed, the combined size of the blocks must exceed the actual size of the file.  The block size should not be more than 4MB (4,194,304). Before M-Files 23.3, using a block size of larger than 4MB may cause unexpected behavior, including exceptions, depending upon the underlying storage. From M-Files 23.3, M-Files will throw an exception if the block size is larger than 4MB.
The byte offset from the beginning of the file as a 64-bit integer.
See Also

VaultObjectFileOperations Object  | VaultObjectFileOperations Members