M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
GetObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects Method
VaultObjectOperations Object : GetObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects Method
The object version identifiers of the object versions for which the information is requested.
True to return the latest available versions of the objects. If 'AllowCheckedOut' is false, the latest checked in version is returned.
If true, a checked out object version can be returned. If false, only checked in version are allowed.
True if the method is allowed to return less results than what is requested. This can happen if all object versions could not be found or if the user does not have access to them. If false, the method raises an error if all object versions were not found.
True if the information should always be updated from the server. If false, the client local cache may be used. This flag is relevant only when M-Files API is used in client mode.
Gets the object version and properties of the specified objects.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects( _
   ByVal ObjVers As ObjVers, _
   ByVal LatestVersions As Boolean, _
   ByVal AllowCheckedOut As Boolean, _
   ByVal AllowMissingObjectVersions As Boolean, _
   Optional ByVal UpdateFromServer As Boolean = False _
) As ObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects
The object version identifiers of the object versions for which the information is requested.
True to return the latest available versions of the objects. If 'AllowCheckedOut' is false, the latest checked in version is returned.
If true, a checked out object version can be returned. If false, only checked in version are allowed.
True if the method is allowed to return less results than what is requested. This can happen if all object versions could not be found or if the user does not have access to them. If false, the method raises an error if all object versions were not found.
True if the information should always be updated from the server. If false, the client local cache may be used. This flag is relevant only when M-Files API is used in client mode.
See Also

VaultObjectOperations Object  | VaultObjectOperations Members