M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
SearchForObjectsByConditionsEx Method
VaultObjectSearchOperations Object : SearchForObjectsByConditionsEx Method
The search conditions to use in the operation.
If this is set to "true", the results are sorted from A to Z based on their display name.

The maximum number of results to return. Use the value "0" to return an unlimited number of results.

The timeout in seconds after which the search is canceled if it has not completed. Use the value "0" to wait indefinitely for the search results to be returned.
Searches the vault for objects that match the specified conditions.
Visual Basic
Public Function SearchForObjectsByConditionsEx( _
   ByVal SearchConditions As SearchConditions, _
   ByVal SearchFlags As MFSearchFlags, _
   ByVal SortResults As Boolean, _
   Optional ByVal MaxResultCount As Long = 500, _
   Optional ByVal SearchTimeoutInSeconds As Long = 60 _
) As ObjectSearchResults
The search conditions to use in the operation.
MFSearchFlagDisableRelevancyRankingSearch results are not sorted according to their relevancy.
MFSearchFlagIncludeUnmanagedObjectsInclude unmanaged objects in the search results.
MFSearchFlagLookAllObjectTypesPerform a separate search for each object type and merges the results.
MFSearchFlagLookInAllVersionsOrders to look for matches in all object versions. By default, only the latest object versions are included in the search.
MFSearchFlagNoneNo flags.
MFSearchFlagResultsFromEachRepositoryLimits the search results per search location instead of limiting the total number of results from all vaults and repositories. This ensures that the search results include items from all search locations with search hits.
MFSearchFlagReturnLatestVisibleVersionOrders to return the latest version for each object, regardless of whether it is an actual matching version. This flag is effective only if MFSearchFlagLookInAllVersions is on.
If this is set to "true", the results are sorted from A to Z based on their display name.

The maximum number of results to return. Use the value "0" to return an unlimited number of results.

The timeout in seconds after which the search is canceled if it has not completed. Use the value "0" to wait indefinitely for the search results to be returned.
The memory available in the system limits the maximum number of results even when the value "0" is specified for "MaxResultCount".
See Also

VaultObjectSearchOperations Object  | VaultObjectSearchOperations Members