M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
GetReferencedValueListItemsInIdOrder Method
VaultValueListItemOperations Object : GetReferencedValueListItemsInIdOrder Method
The ID of the value list the items of which to get.
The last value list item ID received by the client. Set to 0 for the first call.
The maximum number of results. Set to 0 for no limit.
The object search conditions.
Gets value list items that are referenced by one or more documents (possibly limiting the set of documents with conditions) in ID order.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetReferencedValueListItemsInIdOrder( _
   ByVal ValueList As Long, _
   ByVal LastReceivedItemID As ULong, _
   ByVal BatchSize As ULong, _
   ByVal SearchConditions As SearchConditions _
) As ValueListItems
The ID of the value list the items of which to get.
The last value list item ID received by the client. Set to 0 for the first call.
The maximum number of results. Set to 0 for no limit.
The object search conditions.

Requires M-Files 18.10.6895.1 or later.

This method is available only if M-Files API is used in the server interface mode.

See Also

VaultValueListItemOperations Object  | VaultValueListItemOperations Members