M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
GetValueListItemByGUID Method
VaultValueListItemOperations Object : GetValueListItemByGUID Method
The value list.
The GUID of the item.
True if deleted items are included in the search. If false, only existing (not deleted) items are searched.
When using M-Files API in client mode, the "ReplaceCurrentUserWithCallersIdentity" parameter must always be set to true.
Gets a value list item from the specified value list by using the GUID of the item.
Visual Basic
Public Function GetValueListItemByGUID( _
   ByVal ValueList As Long, _
   ByVal ItemGUID As String, _
   Optional ByVal AllowDeletedItems As Boolean = False, _
   Optional ByVal ReplaceCurrentUserWithCallersIdentity As Boolean = True _
) As ValueListItem
The value list.
The GUID of the item.
True if deleted items are included in the search. If false, only existing (not deleted) items are searched.
When using M-Files API in client mode, the "ReplaceCurrentUserWithCallersIdentity" parameter must always be set to true.
See Also

VaultValueListItemOperations Object  | VaultValueListItemOperations Members