M-Files UI Extensibility Framework
Supported M-Files API Components in the Classic M-Files Web
M-Files UI Extensibility Framework > Supported M-Files API Components in the Classic M-Files Web

This topic lists all the M-Files API components available for use in an M-Files Web environment. The supported vault operation specific methods are listed as a separate section at the bottom of the page. The listings apply for M-Files 2015.2 and above.

When your UI Extensibility application is running in the M-Files Web client, M-Files API calls from the application must be made in the asynchronous mode.

Supported Components

In cases where no 2nd level bullets have been defined, all the components of the API object are supported.

Vault Operation Specific Methods

Class Operations
Client Operations
Extension Method Operations
Named ACL Operations
Named Value Storage Operations
Object File Operations
Object Operations
Property Operations
Search Operations
Object Type Operations
Property Definition Operations
Value List Item Operations
View Operations
Workflow Operations
User Setting Operations
Session Information