M-Files UI Extensibility Framework
OnRemoveObjectsFromFavorites Event
M-Files UI Extensibility Framework > Events > OnRemoveObjectsFromFavorites Event
Triggered when the one or more favorite objects are unmarked to be favorite objects. This event occurs before the request is passed for M-Files Server.

objIDs : IObjIDs [ in ]

Identifies the operation target objects.

Return Type

The return type can be one of the types as follows:


Callback object to be activated after the operation. Callback methods:

OnSuccess Method [ optional ]

Called when the operation is successfully performed.

OnError Method [ optional ]

Called when the operation failed. The call receives parameters as follows:

errorCode : Long [ in ]

The error code (HRESULT).

errorMessage : String [ in ]

The error message.

errorStack : String [ in ]

The call stack that identifies the error source in the program code.

Finally Method [ optional ]

Called after the operation was performed regardless of the operation success or failure.


False to prevent the operation.


Prevents the operation.


The OnRemoveObjectFromFavorites Event is triggered for each individual object, too.

Supported in M-Files 9.0.3372.6 and newer.

See Also