M-Files UI Extensibility Framework
SetTheme Method
ISearchPane Interface : SetTheme Method

The theme object specifies the icons and colors of the search pane.

The color can be specified either as a RGB code as a number (note the little-endian byte order), or HTML-style color reference (like "#23ff33"). Empty string or string "default" sets the default color.

The icon file must be specified as a path to the icon file in the application folder. The icon file must be 32-bit .bmp or .png file. Icon dimensions should be 16x16. Pass empty string to restore the default icon.

Supported members:

Sets the search pane theme. The theme specifies the text colors and button icons.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SetTheme( _
   ByVal theme As Object _

The theme object specifies the icons and colors of the search pane.

The color can be specified either as a RGB code as a number (note the little-endian byte order), or HTML-style color reference (like "#23ff33"). Empty string or string "default" sets the default color.

The icon file must be specified as a path to the icon file in the application folder. The icon file must be 32-bit .bmp or .png file. Icon dimensions should be 16x16. Pass empty string to restore the default icon.

Supported members:

  • searchWithinThisFolderButton_TextColor: The text color for the 'Search within this folder' action.
  • searchButton_TextColor: The text color for the 'Search within this folder' action.
  • searchFlagsButtons_TextColor: The text color for the 'Search flags' action.
  • resetAllButton_TextColor: The text color for the 'Reset All' action.
  • resetAllButton_IconFile: The icon file for the 'Reset All' action.
  • previewerButton_IconFileShow: The icon file for the 'Show preview' action.
  • previewerButton_IconFileHide: The icon file for the 'Hide preview' action.
  • advancedSearchButton_TextColor: The text color for the 'Advanced search' action.
  • advancedSearchButton_IconFileShow: The icon file for the 'Show advanced search' action.
  • advancedSearchButton_IconFileHide: The icon file for the 'Hide advanced search' action.
  • additionalConditionsButton_TextColor: The text color for the 'Additional conditions' action.
  • additionalConditionsButton_IconFile: The icon file for the 'Show advanced search' action.

Minimum supported M-Files client: 9.0.3374.4

See Also

ISearchPane Interface  | ISearchPane Members