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Definition of Facet.


aliasstringAlias for property definitions and object types.
exclude{ ids: number[]; }IDs to be excluded (valid for lookup values only).
idnumberID of property def, object type or value list.
objectTypenumberObject type, if type = VLOT.
ordinalnumberFacet ordinal. Order of the facet in UI.
rangeTypeFacetRangeTypeType of range facet ( applies for range facets only ).
rangeValuesstringValues of range.
showMorebooleanTrue to allow "Show more" link.
sortFieldstringFacet value sort field.
sortModestringFacet value sort mode.
transformationFacetTransformationFacet value transformation.
typeFacetTypeFacet type.
valueListnumberValue list ID, if type = VL.