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Functions that operate on a property value, for example.

DATA_FUNCTION_NO_OPReturns the data without modifying it.0
DATA_FUNCTION_YEARGets the year of a date or timestamp value (e.g. 2004).1
DATA_FUNCTION_MONTHGets the month of a date or timestamp value (e.g. "02").2
DATA_FUNCTION_YEAR_AND_MONTHGets the year and month of a date or timestamp value (e.g. "2004-02").3
DATA_FUNCTION_DATEGets the date part of a date or timestamp value (e.g. 2004-02-15).4
DATA_FUNCTION_DAYS_FROMGets the difference of the current timestamp and a specified date or timestamp value as the number of days (e.g. 8 or -10).5
DATA_FUNCTION_DAYS_TOGets the difference of a specified date or timestamp value and the current timestamp as the number of days (e.g. 10 or -8).6
DATA_FUNCTION_INTEGER_SEGMENTGets the integer segment of a value (an integer number or a real number) based on a defined segment size.7
DATA_FUNCTION_LEFT_CHARACTERSGets a defined amount of left characters from a text or typed value.8
DATA_FUNCTION_INITIAL_CHARACTER_GROUPGets an initial character group from a text or typed value.9