VaultExtMethodCallerDirective Class

Generic broadcast directive that contains only a handler type and a data item[] that will be passed as the input param's in the vault extension method call.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.MultiserverMode
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public class VaultExtMethodCallerDirective : BroadcastDirective
Object    TaskQueueDirective    BroadcastDirective    VaultExtMethodCallerDirective



GeneratedFromGuid Multi-server Mode Guid of the server that created the broadcast task. - This is used to ensure it is not processed twice by the generating server.
(Inherited from BroadcastDirective)
GeneratedFromMachineName Machine name of the server that created the broadcast task. - This is used to ensure it is not processed twice by the generating machine.
(Inherited from BroadcastDirective)
Input Vault extension method input param's.
UserID User ID of the user who initiated the task.
(Inherited from BroadcastDirective)


ToBytes Serializes this object to a UTF8 encoded byte[].
(Inherited from TaskQueueDirective)
ToJson Serializes this object to a JSON string.
(Inherited from TaskQueueDirective)

See Also