MFiles.VAF.Placeholders.Commands Namespace



CountPlaceholder Expands to the number of values are in the current context.
CurrentContextPlaceholder Expands to the objects parent via the relevant Owner property.
DaysAgoPlaceholder Expands to the number of days that have passed since the context date. Use when the context date is in the past.
DaysUntilPlaceholder Expands to the number of days until the context date. Use when the context date is in the future.
EncodeHtmlPlaceholder Html encodes the text value of the current context.
EncodeNonePlaceholder Converts the current context to its text value (without encoding). Serves as an encoder placeholder to prevent other encoders from processing the value.
EncodeUrlPlaceholder Url encodes the text value of the current context.
EncodingPlaceholderCommandHandler Abstract class for placeholder command handlers that do final encoding.
FileNamesPlaceholder Expands to the file names of each object context.
FirstVersionPlaceholder Expands to the specific version of an object.
ForEachPlaceholder Handler that begins a foreach template block. Closed by NextPlaceholder. The block is expanded for each object in the context.
HyperlinkFragmentHtmlPlaceholder Expands to an HTML formatted hyperlink containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile. IEncodingPlaceholderCommand is implemented to avoid being double encoded. This should not be used as a default encoder.
HyperlinkFragmentPlainPlaceholder Expands to a plain-text formatted hyperlink containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile.
InternalIDPlaceholder Expands to the internal id of each context object.
MFilesUrlPlaceholder Expands to an M-Files URL that shows the latest version of the object in question.
MFilesUrlPlaceholderCommandProvider Provides an MFilesUrlPlaceholder handler.
NextPlaceholder Closes a block opened by the ForEachPlaceholder handler.
ObjIDPlaceholder Expands an object reference to it's external (display) id.
ObjIDStrPlaceholder Expands to the ObjID strings of the context objects. Format: "(ObjTypeID-ObjectID)"
ObjTitlePlaceholder Expands to the titles of the context objects.
ObjTypeIDPlaceholder Placeholder that expands to the id an object's object type.
ObjTypePlaceholder Placeholder that expands to the the name of an object's object type (simple mode) or to all references of the object type specified with a parameter. (complex mode)
ObjVerStrPlaceholder Expands to the ObjVer strings of the context objects. Format: "(ObjTypeID-ObjectID-Version)"
OldPropertyPlaceholder Expands to the typed value of an object's previous version's property value for the specified property def.
ParentPlaceholder Expands to the objects parent via the relevant Owner property.
PreviousVersionPlaceholder Expands to an objects last previous version in simple mode, or a previous version a specified number of versions ago in complex mode.
PropertyPlaceholder Expands to the typed value of an object's property value for the specified property def.
RelationshipPlaceholder Expands to objects related to the context object.
RequirePlaceholder Does not modify the current context, but creates an expansion issue if the current context is empty.
SimpleObjectToTextPlaceholderBase Base for simple commands that expand an object to a text value without any initialization.
SpecificVersionPlaceholder Expands to the specific version of an object.
StaticContextPlaceholder Generic handler for creating a placeholder that always resolves to the same context.
StaticContextPlaceholderProvider Provides handlers that expands to a static context.
ToDatePlaceholder Expands a timestamp context into a date context.
TodayPlaceholder Expands to the current vault guid.
UniquePlaceholder Expands a context down to unique values only (removes duplicate values).
UnknownPlaceholder Handler for all unrecognized placeholder level commands.
UserCausedWorkflowStatePlaceholder Expands to the users who moved the context objects into a specific state.
VaultGuidPlaceholder Expands to the current vault guid.
VaultNamePlaceholder Expands to the current vault name.


IStaticPlaceholderProvider Provides handlers that expand to a static context.