AveragePlaceholder | |
CountPlaceholder | Expands to the number of values are in the current context. |
CurrentContextPlaceholder | Expands to the objects parent via the relevant Owner property. |
DaysAgoPlaceholder | Expands to the number of days that have passed since the context date. Use when the context date is in the past. |
DaysUntilPlaceholder | Expands to the number of days until the context date. Use when the context date is in the future. |
EncodeHtmlPlaceholder | Html encodes the text value of the current context. |
EncodeNonePlaceholder | Converts the current context to its text value (without encoding). Serves as an encoder placeholder to prevent other encoders from processing the value. |
EncodeUrlPlaceholder | Url encodes the text value of the current context. |
EncodingPlaceholderCommandHandler | Abstract class for placeholder command handlers that do final encoding. |
FileNamesPlaceholder | Expands to the file names of each object context. |
FirstVersionPlaceholder | Expands to the specific version of an object. |
ForEachPlaceholder | Handler that begins a foreach template block. Closed by NextPlaceholder. The block is expanded for each object in the context. |
FormatPlaceholder | |
HyperlinkFragmentHtmlPlaceholder | Expands to an HTML formatted hyperlink containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile. IEncodingPlaceholderCommand is implemented to avoid being double encoded. This should not be used as a default encoder. |
HyperlinkFragmentPlainPlaceholder | Expands to a plain-text formatted hyperlink containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile. |
InternalIDPlaceholder | Expands to the internal id of each context object. |
MFilesUrlPlaceholder | Expands to an M-Files URL that shows the latest version of the object in question. |
MFilesUrlPlaceholderCommandProvider | Provides an MFilesUrlPlaceholder handler. |
NameAndSeparateLink | |
NameWithHtmlLink | |
NextPlaceholder | Closes a block opened by the ForEachPlaceholder handler. |
ObjIDPlaceholder | Expands an object reference to it's external (display) id. |
ObjIDStrPlaceholder | Expands to the ObjID strings of the context objects. Format: "(ObjTypeID-ObjectID)" |
ObjTitlePlaceholder | Expands to the titles of the context objects. |
ObjTypeIDPlaceholder | Placeholder that expands to the id an object's object type. |
ObjTypePlaceholder | Placeholder that expands to the the name of an object's object type (simple mode) or to all references of the object type specified with a parameter. (complex mode) |
ObjVerStrPlaceholder | Expands to the ObjVer strings of the context objects. Format: "(ObjTypeID-ObjectID-Version)" |
OldPropertyPlaceholder | Expands to the typed value of an object's previous version's property value for the specified property def. |
ParentPlaceholder | Expands to the objects parent via the relevant Owner property. |
PreviousVersionPlaceholder | Expands to an objects last previous version in simple mode, or a previous version a specified number of versions ago in complex mode. |
PropertyPlaceholder | Expands to the typed value of an object's property value for the specified property def. |
RelationshipPlaceholder | Expands to objects related to the context object. |
RequirePlaceholder | Does not modify the current context, but creates an expansion issue if the current context is empty. |
SimpleObjectToTextPlaceholderBase | Base for simple commands that expand an object to a text value without any initialization. |
SpecificVersionPlaceholder | Expands to the specific version of an object. |
StaticContextPlaceholder | Generic handler for creating a placeholder that always resolves to the same context. |
StaticContextPlaceholderProvider | Provides handlers that expands to a static context. |
ToDatePlaceholder | Expands a timestamp context into a date context. |
TodayPlaceholder | Expands to the current vault guid. |
UniquePlaceholder | Expands a context down to unique values only (removes duplicate values). |
UnknownPlaceholder | Handler for all unrecognized placeholder level commands. |
UserCausedWorkflowStatePlaceholder | Expands to the users who moved the context objects into a specific state. |
VaultGuidPlaceholder | Expands to the current vault guid. |
VaultNamePlaceholder | Expands to the current vault name. |
IStaticPlaceholderProvider | Provides handlers that expand to a static context. |