MFiles.VAF.Configuration.JsonMapping.Converters Namespace



ArrayToObjectConverterTObject Converts an array to an object, by mapping each array item to a correspondingly ordered data member.
EnumNameToValueConverterTObject Converts an enum name into the enum value.
EnumValueToNameConverterTObject Converts an enum value into the enum name.
IDToMFIdentiferConverter Converts an structure element ID value in a source JSON structure to an MFIdentifier in a target JSON structure. If the source JSON contains a ghost property that contains the original references for the structure elements, the reference will be used instead of the id. The ghost property will be named using the name of the property that contains the id value, followed by "-OriginalReferences". Typically the ghost properties are generated by this convert's companion: MFIdentiferToIDConverter. For example: { classID: <id> classID-OriginalReferences: <reference> } or { classIDs: [ <id1>, <id2>, <id3>] classID-OriginalReferences:: [ <reference1>, <reference2>, <reference3>] }
MFIdentiferToIDConverter Converts an structure element reference value in a source JSON structure to an explicit ID in a target JSON structure. A ghost property will be added to the target JSON structure to preserve the original references used for the item. The ghost property will be named using the name of the property that contains the id value, followed by "-OriginalReferences". Typically the ghost properties can be converted back to references by the IDToMFIdentiferConverter. For example the source json: { ObjType: "ObjType1", Classes: [ "Class1", "Class2" ] } might get converted to a target like so: { objTypeID: 110, objTypeID-OriginalReferences: "ObjType1", classIDs: [ 2, 4 ], classIDs-OriginalReferences: [ "Class1", "Class2" ] }
ObjectToArrayConverterTObject Converts an object to an array, by mapping each data member property in order to an array structure.