ConfigurationDomainCommand Class

Defines a command that can be exposed and triggered for a domain via the json configurator.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Configuration.Interfaces.Domain
Assembly: MFiles.VAF.Configuration.Interfaces (in MFiles.VAF.Configuration.Interfaces.dll) Version:
public class ConfigurationDomainCommand : IConfigurationDomainCommand
Object    ConfigurationDomainCommand



Blocking Indicates whether the interface should be blocked while the command is being executed. Useful for longer running commands where further user interaction with the interface could negatively effect user experience or execution, or simply a way to indicate to the user that something is happening, and when it is over.
ChangesPendingConfirmMessage If specified and there are pending changes in the editor, this message will be displayed to the user in a confirmation dialog after they've triggered the command, but before its execution. They will have the option to proceed 'OK' or 'Cancel' the command. Note: This should be used as a replacement for "confirmMessage" messages. When this message is defined the "comfirmMessage" prompt is not used.
ConfirmMessage If specified, the message will be displayed to the user in a confirmation dialog after they've triggered the command, but before its execution. They will have the option to proceed or cancel the command.
DisplayName The display name to use for the command. Optional.
ExposeErrors Indicates whether errors should be exposed to the caller in JavaScript. - When true, any errors are not handled by the default handler... Instead they are allowed to bubble up through the promise chain. This allows them to be handled by non-default implementations. - When false, the default handler is used. This will show the message in a MFClientScript.IDashboard.ShowMessage() dialog.
ExtensionMethod The extension method to call when the command is triggered.
HelpText Help text to expose for the command. Optional.
ID A unique identifier for the command. Can be used to reference the command in status dashboards.
Locations A list of locations specifying where and how the command will be shown.


SetPendingConfirmMessage Used to set the confirm prompt shown to the user. This is intended to show the user a prompt: Prompt message text here. [ OK ] ...or... [ Cancel ] This will be shown to the user to verify that they wish to perform the action when there are changes pending in the editor. In versions of MFAdmin older than 20.10.x.x there was no support for the conditional if( changesArePending ) check, so the legacy confirm message will be shown in all cases in versions older than 20.10.x.x, so ensure to word the messages accordingly.

See Also