AbstractMenuCommandLocation | Defines a command location inside a context menu. |
AuthenticationRequest | Defines the authentication request. |
ButtonBarCommandLocation | Defines a command location inside the DomainButtonBar. |
ConfigurationDomain | Defines a configuration domain for use in the generic json configuration editor. |
ConfigurationDomainBuiltInDomainIds | List of built-in (hard-coded) domain ids in MFAdmin. |
ConfigurationDomainDefaultNamespaces | The default named value namespaces where the domains are registered. |
ConfigurationDomainCommandResponse | Response to a domain's custom command. |
ConfigurationDomainOrSource | Proxy to a ConfigurationDomain or its source definition. |
ConfigurationDomainsOrSource | Proxy to a List of Domains and/or Domain Sources, or a list source definition. |
ConfigurationMenuCommandLocation | Defines a command location inside the ConfigurationContextMenu. |
DomainMenuCommandLocation | Defines a command location inside the DomainContextMenu. |
DomainStatusSummary | Defines a domain's status. Currently used for display purposes only. |
ExtendedVaultExtensionMethodCall | Defines a how an extended VaultExtensionMethod can be called. Assumes that the Input is a JSON object. |
ExtendedVaultExtensionMethodSource | Defines a vault extension method call to obtain (read) a value from the vault. Also allows defining a vault extension method call to update (write) a value in the vault. |
NamedValueKeySource | Defines a specific value location in named value storage. |
NamedValueNamespaceSource | Defines the location of namespaced values in name value storage. |
SchemaOrSource | Proxy to a Schema or its source definition. |
ValueOrValueSourceTValueType | A generic proxy for accessing a value or a source for obtaining the value. |
ValueOrValueSourceJsonConverter | JSON converter for implementations of ValueOrValueSource. |
VaultExtensionMethodCall | Defines a how a VaultExtensionMethod can be called. Assumes that the parameters are always an array that will be serialized as json when called. |
VaultExtensionMethodSource | Defines a vault extension method call to obtain (read) a value from the vault. Also allows defining a vault extension method call to update (write) a value in the vault. |
IClientDirective | Interface for a single directive which directs the behavior of the configurator client. |
ClientDirectiveType | Directives available for controlling the behavior of the configurator client with responses to a domain's custom commands. |
CommandButtonStyle | Defines the says a command button can be styled. |
ConfigurationDomainCapabilities | Capabilities is a bitwise operation capable enumeration of the features that the ConfigurationDomain supports. |
DomainStatus | Generic domain states. Each domain decides freely which state it is in, if any. |