JObjectHelper Class
Utility methods for working with JObjects, JArrays and JsPath.
Returns a reference to an array object at the specified
property within an object. Creating the array if the
property is not yet set.
Throws an exception if a non-array value already exists at the property.
EnsureObjectExists(JArray, Int32)
Returns a reference to an object at the specified
index within an array. Creating an object at the specified location
if one doesn't already exist there.
Throws an exception if a non-object value already exists at the index.
EnsureObjectExists(JObject, String)
Returns a reference to an object at the specified
property within another object. Creating the object if the
property is not yet set.
Throws an exception if a non-object value already exists at the property.
Replaces a value in a JSON structure with another value.
Sets a value at a certain index in an array.
Sets the original (source) value in a location corresponding to the
targetValue location in the target structure.
This allows for the original value to be preserved when reverting back
to the original format for conversions that lose information.
Sets a value in a target JSON structure at the specified path.
Retrieves an original value that may have been set in a source structure for converted
values that might lose some information.
Typically the original value would have been saved with the
SetOriginalValue(JToken, JToken, String) method.
Attempts to extract an array index value from a json path segment.