The "BuiltinCommand" enumeration contains all the IDs of the built-in commands that can be hidden, shown, disabled, or enabled in the menus and on the task area. This enumeration is used in conjunction with the SetCommandState method.
Member | Value | Description |
BuiltinCommand_AboutMFiles | 162 | Opens the "About M-Files" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_AddCollectionMember | 95 | Opens a dialog for adding a member to a document collection. |
BuiltinCommand_AddDashboardToViewLocBottom | 69 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_AddDashboardToViewLocMain | 67 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_AddDashboardToViewLocRight | 68 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_AddDocumentFromScanner | 43 | Opens a dialog for adding a document from scanner. |
BuiltinCommand_AddFileFromScanner | 44 | Opens a dialog for adding a file to a multi-file document from scanner. |
BuiltinCommand_AddGroupingLevel | 116 | Opens a dialog for adding a grouping level for a view. |
BuiltinCommand_AddRelationship | 98 | Opens a dialog for adding a new object relationship. |
BuiltinCommand_AddReportToViewLocBottom | 69 | Attaches a report to the bottom pane in a view. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_AddReportToViewLocMain | 67 | Replaces the listing area with a report in a view. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_AddReportToViewLocRight | 68 | Attaches a report to the right pane in a view. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_AddShortcutToTaskPane | 66 | Adds a specified item as a shortcut to the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_AddToFavorites | 62 | Adds an object to the user's favorites. |
BuiltinCommand_Applications | 136 | Opens the "Applications" dialog for the vault. |
BuiltinCommand_ApproveAssignment | 165 | Approves an assignment object. |
BuiltinCommand_BeginCoauthoring | 130 | Activates the co-authoring mode or the document. |
BuiltinCommand_BottomPane_Minimized | 152 | Minimizes the bottom pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_BottomPane_Normal | 151 | Sets the bottom pane back to its normal size from the minimized state. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_BottomPane_Off | 153 | Disables the bottom pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_BrowseInThisWindow | 120 | Opens the selected object in the current listing area. |
BuiltinCommand_ChangeLanguage | 42 | Opens the dialog for changing the user interface and vault languages. |
BuiltinCommand_ChangePassword | 41 | Opens the dialog for changing the user password. |
BuiltinCommand_ChangeState | 26 | Opens the dialog for changing the workflow state of the object. |
BuiltinCommand_ChangeStateAdmin | 167 | Opens the dialog for changing the workflow state of the object in administrator mode. |
BuiltinCommand_ChangeViewMode | 106 | Changes the view mode. |
BuiltinCommand_CheckIn | 11 | Checks in the object. |
BuiltinCommand_CheckInWithComments | 12 | Opens the dialog for checking in the object with comments. |
BuiltinCommand_CheckOut | 10 | Checks out the object. |
BuiltinCommand_CheckOutForCoauthoring | 129 | Checks out the object for co-authoring |
BuiltinCommand_ChooseColumns | 83 | Opens the dialog for selecting the listings area columns. |
BuiltinCommand_CleanView | 58 | Opens the "Clean View" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_ClearArchiveMarker | 29 | Clears the archive marker for the object. |
BuiltinCommand_ClearLocalCache | 40 | Opens the dialog for clearing the local cache. |
BuiltinCommand_ClientSettings | 37 | Opens the dialog for modifying M-Files Desktop settings. |
BuiltinCommand_CompareOther | 187 | Compares the content of the selected document with the content of another one. Supported in 19.5.7811.5 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_ComparePrevious | 185 | Compares the content of the selected document version with the content of the previous one. Supported in 19.5.7811.5 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_CompareTwo | 184 | Compares the content of the selected documents. Supported in 19.5.7811.5 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_CompareVersion | 186 | Compares the content of the document version with the content of another one. Supported in 19.5.7811.5 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_CompleteAssignment | 25 | Marks an assignment as complete. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToDocument | 6 | Converts a temporary file in the vault to an M-Files document. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToDocumentFiles | 7 | Converts temporary files in a multi-file document to document files. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToMultiFilePDF | 82 | Executes the "Convert to PDF (Multi-file)" command. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToOneMultiFileDocument | 32 | Converts a single-file document to a multi-file document. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToSearchablePDF | 46 | Converts a document to a searchable PDF. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToSingleFileDocument | 31 | Converts a multi-file document to a single-file document. |
BuiltinCommand_ConvertToSingleFilePDF | 81 | Executes the "Convert to PDF (Single-file)" command. |
BuiltinCommand_Copy | 73 | Copies an object to the clipboard. |
BuiltinCommand_CreateOrGetShortcut | 64 | Opens the "Get Hyperlink" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_CreateShortcut | 65 | Creates a Windows shortcut of the selected items (for instance views). |
BuiltinCommand_CurrentGroupingLevel | 117 | Activates the "Current Grouping Level" menu. |
BuiltinCommand_CustomizePropertyFolder | 144 | Converts a virtual folder to a view. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_Cut | 74 | Cuts an object and places it to the clipboard for pasting. |
BuiltinCommand_Default_Automatic | 195 | Sets the "Default Tab for Object" setting to "Automatic Selection". |
BuiltinCommand_Default_Metadata | 193 | Sets the "Default Tab for Object" setting to "Metadata". |
BuiltinCommand_Default_Preview | 194 | Sets the "Default Tab for Object" setting to "Preview". |
BuiltinCommand_Delete | 76 | Deletes an object. |
BuiltinCommand_DeleteAll | 90 | Executes the "Delete All" command of the "Clean View" dialog, deleting all temporary files in the view. |
BuiltinCommand_Demote | 181 | Removes the metadata of an external repository object, effectively demoting it to an unmanaged object. |
BuiltinCommand_Destroy | 91 | Destroys an object. |
BuiltinCommand_EditCollectionMembership | 96 | Opens a dialog for editing the membership of an item in a document collection. |
BuiltinCommand_EditOneAnnotation | 159 | Opens the edit mode for a specified annotation. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_EditRelationship | 99 | Opens the relationship properties dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_EndCoauthoring | 131 | Ends co-authoring a document. |
BuiltinCommand_ExportObjects | 79 | Opens the "Export" dialog for objects. |
BuiltinCommand_ExportSearchBarConditions | 80 | Exports search conditions to a text file. |
BuiltinCommand_ExternalRepositories | 176 | Opens the dialog that lists external repository connections. |
BuiltinCommand_GoOffline | 35 | Sets the vault to offline mode. |
BuiltinCommand_GoOnline | 34 | Sets the vault to online mode (provided a working network connection is available). |
BuiltinCommand_GoToCustomView | 124 | Can be used to define whether custom view shortcuts are shown in the "Go To" section of the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupBy | 121 | Activates the "Group By" menu. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupFoldersBy | 122 | Activates the "Group Folders By" menu. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupFoldersByFirstLetters | 115 | Groups folders in a view by their first letter. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupObjectsByFirstLetters | 114 | Groups objects in a view by their first letter. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupObjectsByObjectType | 54 | Groups objects in a view by their object type. |
BuiltinCommand_GroupViewsAndFolders | 55 | Groups views and virtual folders according to specific criteria. |
BuiltinCommand_HideAllVisualAnnotations | 158 | Hides object annotations. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_HideOrShowEmptyFolders | 119 | Hides or shows empty folders on the listing area. |
BuiltinCommand_HideView | 56 | Hides a specified view. |
BuiltinCommand_HitHighlighting | 128 | Enables or disables hit highlighting for search results. |
BuiltinCommand_ImportFilesAndFolders | 8 | Opens the "Import Files and Folders" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_InvertSelection | 86 | Selects all the previously unselected items in the listing and, vice versa, unselects all the selected ones. |
BuiltinCommand_LabelThisVersion | 93 | Opens the dialog for adding a label to an object version. |
BuiltinCommand_LogOut | 36 | Logs the user out of the vault. |
BuiltinCommand_MakeCopy | 9 | Makes a copy of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkApproved | 163 | Marks an assignment approved. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkComplete | 123 | Marks an assignment complete. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkFolderForOfflineAvailability | 15 | Marks a folder to be available offline. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkForArchiving | 28 | Marks an object for archiving. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkForOfflineAvailability | 16 | Marks an object to be available offline. |
BuiltinCommand_MarkRejected | 164 | Marks an assignment rejected. |
BuiltinCommand_MFilesGuidedTour | 142 | Opens the guided tour of M-Files. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_MFilesHelp | 141 | Opens the M-Files user guide. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ModifyVersionDetails | 92 | Opens the dialog for modifying version details. |
BuiltinCommand_NavigationPane_Off | 155 | Hides the navigation pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_NavigationPane_On | 154 | Displays the navigation pane on the left side of the user interface. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_NewAnnotation | 161 | Creates a new annotation object. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_NewAssignment | 23 | Opens the dialog for creating a new assignment object. |
BuiltinCommand_NewObject | 87 | Opens the dialog for creating a new object. |
BuiltinCommand_NewOfflineFilter | 3 | Opens the dialog for creating a new offline filter. |
BuiltinCommand_NewPropertyFolder | 5 | Opens the dialog for creating a new property folder. |
BuiltinCommand_NewSubobject | 94 | Opens the dialog for creating a new subobject. |
BuiltinCommand_NewTraditionalFolder | 4 | Creates a new traditional folder. |
BuiltinCommand_NewVersionBasedOnConflictObject | 191 | Creates a new version that is a copy of the latest version of the related conflict object. |
BuiltinCommand_NewView | 2 | Opens the dialog for creating a new view. |
BuiltinCommand_NewWindow | 78 | Opens a new M-Files window. |
BuiltinCommand_NotificationSettings | 39 | Opens the dialog for modifying notification settings. |
BuiltinCommand_OpenFolderLocation | 174 | Opens a specified folder location. |
BuiltinCommand_Paste | 75 | Pastes an item from the clipboard. |
BuiltinCommand_PasteAsMultiFileDocument | 84 | Pastes an item from the clipboard as a multi-file document. |
BuiltinCommand_Properties | 14 | Opens the metadata card of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_Refresh | 88 | Refreshes the view. |
BuiltinCommand_RejectAssignment | 166 | Marks an assignment rejected. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveAllFromRecentlyAccessed | 189 | Clears the Recently Accessed by Me view. Supported in M-Files 19.6.7900.4 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveCollectionMembership | 97 | Removes a specified collection member from a document collection. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveCurrentGroupingLevel | 118 | Removes the current grouping level. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveDashboardFromViewLocBottom | 72 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveDashboardFromViewLocMain | 70 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveDashboardFromViewLocRight | 71 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveFromFavorites | 63 | Removes an item from favorites. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveOfflineAvailability | 17 | Removes the offline availability of an item. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveRelationship | 100 | Removes a specified relationship. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveReportFromViewLocBottom | 72 | Removes a report from the bottom pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveReportFromViewLocMain | 70 | Removes a report from the listing area. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveReportFromViewLocRight | 71 | Removes a report from the right pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RemoveSelectedFromRecentlyAccessed | 188 | Removes the selected objects from the Recently Accessed by Me view. Supported in M-Files 19.6.7900.4 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_Rename | 77 | Renames a specified item. |
BuiltinCommand_ReplaceWithFile | 33 | Replaces a specified file with another one. |
BuiltinCommand_ReplaceWithFileFromScanner | 45 | Replaces a specified item with a file from scanner. |
BuiltinCommand_ResetUISettingsToDefaults | 60 | Resets the user interface settings of a user to the default ones. |
BuiltinCommand_ResolveConflictDiscardThis | 135 | Resolve an object conflict by discarding the selected item. |
BuiltinCommand_ResolveConflictKeepThis | 134 | Resolve an object conflict by keeping the selected item. |
BuiltinCommand_RightPane_Minimized | 149 | The right pane is minimized. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RightPane_Normal | 148 | The right pane is set to its normal state. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RightPane_Off | 150 | The right pane is disabled in the user interface. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_RollBack | 89 | Rolls back an object. |
BuiltinCommand_SaveAnnotation | 160 | Saves changes to an annotation object. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_SaveAsCommonUISettings | 61 | Saves the currently used user interface settings as the common ones. |
BuiltinCommand_SaveAsPDF | 50 | Saves an object as PDF to the vault. |
BuiltinCommand_SelectAll | 85 | Selects all the objects in the listing area. |
BuiltinCommand_SendCoauthoringLink | 133 | Sends a co-authoring link for a specified object. |
BuiltinCommand_SendCopyByEmail | 48 | Sends a copy of an object via email. |
BuiltinCommand_SendLinkByEmail | 47 | Sends an M-Files link to an object via email. |
BuiltinCommand_SendPDFByEmail | 49 | Sends a PDF version of an object vie email. |
BuiltinCommand_ServerAdmin | 38 | Opens M-Files Admin. |
BuiltinCommand_SharedByMe | 169 | Opens the dialog listing all the publicly shared objects by the user. |
BuiltinCommand_SharePublicLink | 168 | Shares a public link to an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShareViaSkyDrive | 137 | Shares an object via OneDrive. |
BuiltinCommand_ShareViaSkyDriveAsPDF | 138 | Shares an object via OneDrive as a PDF. |
BuiltinCommand_ShareView | 190 | Shares a copy of the view for other users. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowAllVisualAnnotations | 157 | Sets all visual annotations to be displayed. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowAssignments | 24 | Shows the assignments for an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowBottomPane | 52 | Enables the bottom pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowCollectionMembers | 20 | Opens the collection members dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowComments | 22 | Opens the comments of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowDeletedConflictHistory | 192 | Shows the deleted conflicts related to an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowHistory | 18 | Opens the history dialog of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowMetadataInBottomPane | 140 | Sets the metadata card to be shown in the bottom pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowMetadataInRightPane | 139 | Sets the metadata card to be shown in the right pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowNavigationPane | 143 | Shows the navigation pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowOfflineSyncStatus | 182 | Shows the offline synchronization status dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowOriginalObject | 132 | When content is replicated from one vault to another one, and in the target vault, an object refers to another one that has not been replicated to the target vault (in other words, to a so-called shortcut object), this command navigates to the corresponding object in the source vault (given that connection to the original source vault exists). |
BuiltinCommand_ShowPreviewPane | 53 | Displays the preview pane of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowPropertiesPane | 52 | Displays the metadata pane of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowRelationships | 19 | Opens the relationships dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowRightPane | 53 | Enables the right pane. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowSearchRefinementOptions | 173 | Displays the search refinement options in the user interface. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowSearchResultsFromMultipleVaults | 172 | Displays search results from multiple vaults in the user interface. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowTaskPane | 177 | Enables the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_ShowVisualAnnotations | 156 | Sets visual annontations to be shown. Supported in M-Files 10.1.3915.45 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_StartSearching | 175 | Commences the search. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Archiving | 109 | Activates the "Archiving" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_BrowseRelatedObjects | 108 | Can be used to define whether the "Browse Relationships" category is shown on the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Compare | 183 | Activates the "Compare" submenu. Supported in 19.5.7811.5 and later. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Dashboards | 113 | Deprecated. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_DisplayMode | 105 | Activates the "Display Mode" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_Submenu_DocumentX | 127 | Activate the document-specific submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_NewFile | 102 | Activates the "Add File" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_NewObject | 101 | Activates the "New" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_OfflineAvailability | 107 | Activates the "Offline Availability" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_RefreshExtObjects | 112 | Activates the "Refresh External Objects" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Reports | 113 | Activates the "Reports" submenu. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_ScanningAndOCR | 111 | Activates the "Scanning and Text Recognition (OCR)" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Send | 104 | Activates the submenu for sharing items. |
BuiltinCommand_Submenu_VaultX | 125 | Activates the vault-specific submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_Submenu_ViewX | 126 | Activates the view-specific submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_WindowsCommands | 103 | Activates the submenu for Windows commands. |
BuiltinCommand_SubMenu_Workflow | 110 | Activates the "Workflow" submenu. |
BuiltinCommand_SubstituteUsers | 51 | Opens the "Substitute Users" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_TaskPane_Minimized | 179 | Minimizes the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_TaskPane_Normal | 178 | Sets the task area to be shown on the left side of the user interface. |
BuiltinCommand_TaskPane_Off | 180 | Hides the task area. |
BuiltinCommand_UncustomizePropertyFolder | 145 | Reverts the customization of a virtual folder. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_Undelete | 30 | Undeletes an object. |
BuiltinCommand_UndoCheckOut | 13 | Executes the "Undo Checkout" command for an object. |
BuiltinCommand_UnhideView | 57 | Unhides a view that has been previously hidden. |
BuiltinCommand_UnhideViews | 59 | Opens the "Unhide Views" dialog. |
BuiltinCommand_UseCompactLayout | 147 | Enables the compact user interface layout. Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_UseNormalLayout | 146 | Enables the normal user interface layout (as opposed to the compact layout). Available in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer. |
BuiltinCommand_ViewEditSubobjects | 21 | Opens a dialog for viewing and editing subobjects of an object. |
BuiltinCommand_Workflow | 27 | Deprecated. |