This list contains some new features that were added in M-Files 10 or its subreleases. The list does not include all new features or members.
Executing commands:
ExecuteCommand Method, GetCommandState Method
Multiple listings, additional listings:
GetListing Method, CreateAdditionalListingForPath Method, CreateAdditionalListingForView Method, ActiveListing Property
Layout & theme:
UseCompactLayout Property, SetTheme Method
ColumnHeadersVisible Property, AutoFitAllColumns Property, AutoFitFirstColumn Property, GroupObjectsByObjectType Property, GroupViewsAndFolders Property
Tabbed side pane:
AddTab Method, GetSelectedTab Method
Refreshing objects in views:
RefreshListing Method, RefreshListingAsync Method, RefreshObject Method, RefreshSelectedObjects Method
Virtual selection:
Multiselection control:
SetObjectOrObjectFileVersionSelectionStates Method, SetObjectVersionSelectionStates Method
Integration & delegation:
CreateObjectCLR Method, ReadFromRegistry Method, WriteToRegistry Method