M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
ObjType Object
The ObjectType class represents an object type.
Public Methods
Can this object type have item icons.
Creates a copy of the object.
Returns the icon of this object type in PNG format scaled to the specified size.
Checks if the user can add new items of this type.
Public Properties
The ACL that defines the visibility and other permission settings of this object type. Also specifies who can add new items to this object type.
Specifies whether adding a new object is allowed.
Specifies whether to allow using this value list or object type as a grouping level in views.
Specifies whether the objects of this object type can have files.
Specifies the default ACL for new objects.
The ID of the multi-select lookup property definition that acts as the default property definition for this object type. For example, new relationships to objects of this type are expressed using this property.
Specifies whether the external connection is disabled.
Specifies whether the object type is external.
The GUID as a string.
Specifies whether this object type is a subtype of another object type.
Specifies whether this object type is hierarchical (has an internal hierarchy).
The icon of the object type in ICO format.
The ID of the object type.
The plural name of the object type.
The singular name of the object type.
Object type targets for browsing.
Owner property definition. Subobjects of objects of this object type have this property in their metadata for describing owner relationships.
The owner object type.
Specifies property definition IDs of those properties that cannot be entered during the creation of a new object because they are not included in the INSERT INTO statement.
Specifies property definition IDs of those properties that cannot be entered during the editing of an existing object because they are not included in the UPDATE statement.
Specifies whether this object type is a real object type (not just a value list).
Specifies whether the creation command is shown for this object type in the task pane.
The ID of the property that contains the object title in the user's preferred language.
Specifies whether the contents of this value list or object type can be translated.

The ObjType class represents an object type or a value list. Use the RealObjectType property to distinguish object types and value lists.



Object type properties (a real object type) as seen in M-Files Admin.



Value list properties as seen in M-Files Admin.

See Also

ObjType Members