M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
ServerVaultCapabilities Object
A data object for specifying the capabilities of an M-Files server and a vault on server.
Public Methods
Creates a clone of an object.
Public Properties
The server supports application task queue operations.
The server supports asynchronous object class modification.
The server supports asynchronous change propagation of named access control lists.
The server supports retrieving asynchronous tasks.
The server supports the automatic metadata feature, and metadata extraction is enabled on the server.
The server supports communication with the client through HTTP API.
The server supports detecting the language of plain text.
The server supports embedding the vNext-based M-Files Web UI to ArcGIS extensions.
The server supports the Google G Suite integration.
The server supports embedding the vNext-based M-Files Web UI to Salesforce.
The server supports embedding the vNext-based M-Files Web UI to SharePoint.
The server supports external repository object migration.
Specifies whether facet searches can be executed.
The server supports favoring full-text search.
Specifies whether file streaming is supported.
The server supports finding duplicate files.
The server supports vault users with full vault control to run code. Requires the server container in the Service Fabric cluster to be a single-tenant service.
The server supports option flags when retrieving the text content of a file.
The server supports hierarchical object type properties.
The server supports importing views with an older last modified date and time.
The server supports returning extensibility application structs in JSON format.
Specifies whether public links for the latest versions can be shared.
The server supports converting between Metadata card configuration formats.
The metadata card configuration is delivered in preresolved form from a dedicated, virtual NVS namespace.
The server supports M-Files link URLs.
The server supports conflict detection when saving values to the named value storage.
The server supports WOPI-based co-authoring for the new M-Files Web.
The server supports object data retrieval in chunks.
The server supports object permissions for clients.
Specifies whether property definitions can be set to be searchable or unsearchable.
Specifies whether public links can be shared.
The server supports removing objects from the Recently Accessed by Me view.
The server supports using configuration IDs with export and import jobs.
The server supports reversed grouping levels.
The server supports search options.
The server supports searching for value list items referenced by objects.
The server supports settings management.
The server supports WOPI operations based on shared links.
The server supports undeleting user accounts.
The server supports checking users' read access to objects.
The server supports vault-level optimization jobs.
The vault supports in-vault login accounts.
The server supports visitor links.
The server supports web telemetry.
The server supports web interface.
Requires M-Files 18.10.6895.1 or later.
See Also

ServerVaultCapabilities Members