Value | Description |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAccessedByMe | The last time the object was accessed by the current user. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefACLChanged | The date and time of the last change to the ACL of the object version. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAdditionalClasses | A list of additional classes for the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAssignedTo | A list of users to whom the object version is assigned. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefAssignmentDescription | The assignment description for the current object version assignment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefClass | The class of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefClassGroups | The class group of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCollectionMemberCollections | A list of document collections belonging to the document collection. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCollectionMemberDocuments | A list of documents belonging to the document collection. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefComment | Comment text for the object version. Same as MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionComment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCompleted | Specifies whether or not the assignment has been completed. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCompletedBy | A list of users who have completed the current assignment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefConflictedVersion | The version where the conflict happened. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefConflictResolved | The date and time a conflict was last resolved in favor of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreated | The creation date and time of an object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreatedBy | Identifies the user who created the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreatedFromExternalLocation | The external source from which the object was imported. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeadline | The deadline date for the current object version assignment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeleted | The deletion date and time of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeletedBy | Identifies the user who deleted the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefDeletionStatusChanged | The date and time of the last change to the deletion status of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEditAccessToUserGroups | List of users groups that have edit access to document. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEditAccessToUsers | List of users that have edit access to document. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefEmailConversationID | The conversation ID of an email. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefFavoriteView | The 'favorite views' where the object should be shown. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefIncompleteMetadata | Incomplete metadata. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefInReplyTo | E-mail in-reply-to internet header value. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefInReplyToReference | E-mail in-reply-to references between documents belonging to the same conversation. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefIsTemplate | A Boolean property identifying whether the object is a template. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefKeywords | Keywords for the object. Not included in the sample vault. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModified | The last modification date and time of an object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModifiedBy | Identifies the user who performed the last modification for the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefLocation | The location in a repository. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMarkedForArchiving | A Boolean property identifying whether the object is marked for archiving. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMessageID | E-mail message-id from internet headers. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefMonitoredBy | A list of users who are monitoring the current assignment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefNameOrTitle | The name or title property definition. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectChanged | The date and time of the last change to the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectChangedForExport | The last time the object had either a versioning or non-versioning change for content exporting. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectID | This special value is used for referring to Object ID in ObjectTypeColumnMapping.TargetPropertyDef. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectVersionChangedForExport | The last time the object version had a change for content exporting. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath | The location from which the object was imported to M-Files. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath2 | The location from which the object was imported to M-Files (continued). |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefOriginalPath3 | The location from which the object was imported to M-Files (continued). |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReadAccessToUserGroups | List of user groups that have read access to document. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReadAccessToUsers | List of users that have read access to document. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReference | A list of referenced documents. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefRejectedBy | A list of users who have rejected the current assignment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReportPlacement | Report placement. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefReportURL | Report URL. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefRepository | The repository of an object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefShareAsReadOnly | List of Share objects that will give read-only permissions. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSharedFiles | The shared location paths of the object's shared files. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSignatureManifestation | Signature manifestation. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSingleFileObject | A Boolean property identifying whether the object is a single-file object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerAllVersions | The total size of all object versions. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerThisVersion | The size of this object version. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefState | The workflow state of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateEntered | The date when the object state was changed to the current state. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateTransition | The workflow state transition of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefStatusChanged | The date and time of the last status change of the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefTraditionalFolder | A traditional folder containing this object version. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVaultGUID | The GUID of the vault that contains or contained the object to which the shortcut object refers to. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionComment | Comment text for the object version. Same as MFBuiltInPropertyDefComment. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionCommentChanged | The date and time of the last change to the comment of the object version. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionLabel | The version label for the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefVersionLabelChanged | The date and time of the last change to the version label of the object version. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow | The workflow for the object. |
MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflowAssignment | A property which indicates the assignment related to the workflow of the object. |
Specifies the built-in property definition.