M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
SaveFolderUIStateForSpecialLocation Method
VaultViewOperations Object : SaveFolderUIStateForSpecialLocation Method
True if the UI settings must also be saved as the common settings of the given folder.
True if the common settings must be reset to all users. This parameter is meaningful only if "SaveAsCommonSettings" is true, otherwise it is ignored.
Saves the UI settings of a specified folder.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SaveFolderUIStateForSpecialLocation( _
   ByVal SaveAsCommonSettings As Boolean, _
   ByVal ResetCommonSettingsToAllUsers As Boolean, _
   ByVal LocationType As MFFolderUIStateLocationType, _
   ByVal State As FolderUIState _
True if the UI settings must also be saved as the common settings of the given folder.
True if the common settings must be reset to all users. This parameter is meaningful only if "SaveAsCommonSettings" is true, otherwise it is ignored.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeClearLocalCacheUISpecial folder that displays the non-document files in the local client cache.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeCollectionMembersUISpecial folder that displays document collection members.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeHistoryUISpecial folder that displays the object history.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeLocalTemporaryItemsContainerContainer of local temporary files/folders.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeObjectFilesContainerObject folder, contains object files.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeObjectsContainerView folder that contains objects only.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypePropertyFoldersContainerView folder that contains property folders.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeRelationshipsUIAllTabSpecial folder that displays all relationships of an object.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeRelationshipsUIFromTabSpecial folder that displays relationships out from the object.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeRelationshipsUIToTabSpecial folder that displays relationships in to the object.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeRootFolderFolder location type that indicates the vault root folder.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeSearchResultsContainerSearch folder.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeSubobjectsUISpecial folder that displays subobjects of an object.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeTraditionalFolderTraditional folder.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeUnknownUnknown folder location type.
MFFolderUIStateLocationTypeViewFoldersContainerView folder that acts as a container for other views.

The method can be targeted to a special view that is not addressable via normal view or folder location path.

The system may internally rearrange the FolderUIState Object structure, and especially the FolderListingColumns Collection collection inside it.

See Also

VaultViewOperations Object  | VaultViewOperations Members