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Provides set of common functions for interacting with the environment. This interfaces is binded to the global MFiles object.


// Save a key into webstorage
await MFiles.WriteToWebStorage("key", "value")




DeleteFromWebStorageDeletes the key value pair stored in the browser web storage for the given key.
GetAccentColorGets accent color.
GetClientLanguageReturns language code of current client language.
GetClientLocaleReturns language code of current client locale.
GetSessionInfoGets the current session information.
GetUTCOffsetGets server based UTC offset in minutes
GetVaultInfoGets the current vault information.
GetWebLinkGet web link for an object.
OpenExternalWebLinkOpen external web link in a tab.
ReadFromWebStorageRetrieves the value stored in the browser web storage for the given key.
ReportExceptionReports an exception. The exception can be displayed to the user or written to the event log.
ShowEditObjectWindowShow object popup window to edit exist object.
ShowNewObjectWindowShow new object creation window to create new object. New object can be created using prefil properties as well.
ShowToastShow toast message.
WriteToWebStorageWrites the value in the browser web storage.