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The IShellFrame is a property of IDashboard.

It can also be retrieved from the IShellUI using the NewNormalShellFrame event.

(shellFrame) => {



CommandsICommandsAccesses the commands of the shell frame.
CurrentFolderArray < Folder >
EventsIShellFrameEventsReturns the event registering interface for the IShellFrame interface.
LeftPaneIShellPaneContainerAccesses the left panes of the shell frame.
ListingIShellListingAccesses the main listing object of the shell frame.
ParentFolderArray < Folder >
RightPaneIShellPaneContainerAccesses the right panes of the shell frame.
SearchPaneISearchPaneAccesses the search pane of the shell frame.
ShellUIIShellUIAccesses the parent shell UI object.


GetViewsByIdGets known views details as key pair value of <ViewID,View Details.>
IsFolderLocationResolves if the shell frame represents a normal folder location. For example it is
a search folder or view, a property folder or traditional folder, but not an
object folder.
IsObjectLocationResolves if the shell frame represents a object folder location.
NavigateToFolderNavigate to the given folder defs.
NavigateToObjectNavigate to the given object.
NavigateToParentPerforms navigation to the parent folder.
ShowDashboardChanges the listing area to show a dashboard.
ShowDefaultContentRestores the normal listing to the listing area.
ShowMessageDisplays a modal message box.
ShowPopupDashboardShows a dashboard in popup window.


StopSent before the IShellFrame is stopped.
StartedRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame started event, which means that the IShellFrame
is ready to be used. This event will trigger at least once for each registered callback
if the IShellFrame is already started and not yet stopped.
ViewLocationChangedRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame ViewLocationChanged event, which means that the view location has changed.
ViewLocationChangedAsyncRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame ViewLocationChangedAsync event, which means that the view location has changed.
NewCommandsRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame NewCommands event, which means that a new ICommands interface has been created and is ready to be used.
NewRightPaneRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame NewRightPane event, which means that a shell pane container is created for right shell pane.
NewShellListingRegisters event handler for the IShellFrame NewShellListing event, which means that a new shell listing object is created.newShellisting The new IShellListing object.
(newShellisting: IShellListing) => {
// Do something with the new shell listing object