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This is the programmatic interface of the Dashboard. It is created during the dashboard initialization phase.


CustomDataanyReturns the dashboard object's custom data that was specified when the dashboard was opened.
EventsIDashboardEventsReturns the event registering interface of the IDashboard interface.
IsPopupDashboardbooleanIndicates whether the dashboard is opened in an own dialog
instead of the embedded panes (right pane or listing pane).
ShellFrameIShellFrameThe Shellframe for the dashboard.
WindowIWindowReturns the dashboard's underlying window object.


ShowMessageShows the default M-Files message box with the specified content and appearance.
ShowPopupDashboardShows a dashboard in popup window.
UpdateCustomDataRefreshes React metadata card content.
WaitForCloseWait for close dashboard.


RefreshTriggered when the Dashboard data is refreshed.
StartedSent when the Dashboard turns to started state.
StopSent before the Dashboard is stopped.
CustomDataChangedThis event is triggered, when custom data on dashboard has changed. The event can be
used to update the dashboard based on the new data. This event will fire at least
once when the dashboard is started and initialized.
data New custom data for the dashboard

Here is example of using the CustomDataChanged event:

dashboard.Events.Register(Event.CustomDataChanged, (data: any) => {
console.log("Custom data changed: ", data);