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Instances of IShellListing represent the Objects inside the Listing View tree in the M-Files Client application UI. The interface is available for example from ActiveListing property of IShellFrame.

See the Overview chapter Listing View for more details how to operate the object.


CurrentPathstringGets the current location as a path.
EventsIShellListingEventsReturns the event registering interface of the IShellListing interface.
IsActivebooleanChecks if this listing window is currently the active listing window.


ActivateListingMakes this listing window the active listing in the shell frame.
ActivateSelectedPerforms the default action for currently selected item.
AddListingItemAdds a new item to the relevant listings.
It is a new method added for vNext.
AddObjectFilePerform add file for MFD.
RefreshListingRefreshes the current listing.
RefreshObjectRefreshes the specified object in the listing.
RemoveListingItemRemoves an item or items in an array from the listing.
It is a new method added for vNext.
ReplaceFilePerform file replace.
SelectFolderMoves the selection to the folder item.
SelectNextFolderMoves the current selection to the next folder item.
SelectNextObjectMoves the current selection to the next object (object version) item.
SelectNextObjectFileMoves the current selection to the next object file.
SelectObjectFileSelects the object (object version) item.
SelectObjectOrObjectFileVersionSelects object or file version in the listing window.
SelectObjectVersionSelects the object file item.
SelectPrevFolderMoves the current selection to the previous folder.
SelectPrevObjectMoves the current selection to the previous object (object version) item.
SelectPrevObjectFileMoves the current selection to the previous object file item.
SetFolderOrObjectVersionSelectionStatesSelects or unselects both property folders and object versions.
SetFolderSelectionStatesSelects or unselects property folders.
SetObjectOrObjectFileVersionSelectionStatesSelects or unselects objects or object files.
SetObjectVersionSelectionStatesSelects or unselects object versions.
SetVirtualSelectionOverrides the items selection with a virtual selection. Items should be valid objects, otherwise the method will throw an exception
and selection will not be changed.
UnselectAllUnselects the current selection.
UpdateListingItemUpdate a the items in the listing.
It is a new method added for vNext.


StartedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents started event.
StopRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents stopped event.
SelectionChangedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectionChanged event.
This event is triggered when the selection in the listing view is set, changed or removed.
shellItems Contains the selected items.
SelectNextObjectRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectNextObject event. This event is triggered when the next object in the listing is selected.
SelectPreviousObjectRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectPreviousObject event. This event is triggered when the previous object in the listing is selected.
SelectNextFolderRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectNextFolder event. This event is triggered when the next folder in the listing is selected.folderType type of the folder, which have been selected.
SelectPreviousFolderRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectPreviousFolder event. This event is triggered when the previous folder in the listing is selected.folderType type of the folder, which have been selected.
ListingDeactivatedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ListingDeactivated event.
This event is triggered when the listing object becomes inactive and loses the input focus.
shellListing The next active shell listing object. Can be null.
ListingActivatedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ListingActivated event.
This event is triggered when the listing object becomes active and receives the input focus.
shellListing The previous active shell listing object. Can be null.
ContentChangedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ContentChanged event.
This event is triggered when the current listing content is changed, or listed items are modified.
shellItems Contains all items in the listing.
ListItemAddedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ListItemAdded event. This event is triggered when one or more items are added to the listing.objectVersion Object
ListItemRemovedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ListItemRemoved event. This event is triggered when one or more items are removed from the listing.listItem Either an array of ObjectVersionEx if non-folder objects are removed or a single ObjectVersionEx, in case folder is removed.
removedExternalFolder In case folder was removed, include information about the old external folder item being removed in case of
ListItemModifiedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents ListItemModified event.
This event is triggered when one or more of the items that are currently selected are modified.
oldServerObjVer Array of old object versions.
newObjVer Array of new objects.
SelectedItemsChangedRegisters event handler for the IShellListingEvents SelectedItemsChanged event.
This event is triggered when one or more of the items that are currently selected are modified.
shellItems Contains the selected items.