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Document file.

file_verThe file version.FileVer
titleThe title of the file.string
extensionFile extension, not including the dot (e.g. "doc").string
sizeThe logical size of the file in bytes. The efspSizePrecision value describes how the size information should be understood.number
size_precisionThe file size precision. If the file size precision is 'exact', the size can be used for reading the file content. If the precision is 'unknown', the size field should not be used at all.FileSizePrecision
created_at_utcThe time in UTC the file was originally
accessed_at_utcThe time in UTC the file was last accessed (e.g. read).google.protobuf.Timestamp
written_at_utcThe time in UTC the file was last written
changed_at_utcThe time in UTC the file was last written to or its attributes were
guidGUID of the file.string
md5_checksumMD5 checksum of the file if available. Can be null.string
is_missingTrue, if the file is missing.boolean
is_content_volatileTrue, if the file physical content is volatile. I.e. the physical content can change without the version number change, as long as the logical content is same. The file content is guaranteed to stay physically consistent within single download session only.boolean
flagsObject file flags.OBJECTFILEFLAGS


"file_ver": {
"file_id": {
"type": 3 /* Enum: FileIDType */,
"internal_id": 0,
"external_repository_id": "<!< External file id.>"
"type": 3 /* Enum: FileVerType */,
"internal_version": 0,
"external_repository_version": "<external_repository_version>",
"external_repository_sort_key": 0
"title": "<!< The title of the file.>",
"extension": "<extension>",
"size": 0,
"size_precision": 2 /* Enum: FileSizePrecision */,
"created_at_utc": {
"seconds": 0,
"nanos": 0
} /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"accessed_at_utc": {
"seconds": 0,
"nanos": 0
} /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"written_at_utc": {
"seconds": 0,
"nanos": 0
} /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"changed_at_utc": {
"seconds": 0,
"nanos": 0
} /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"guid": "<!< GUID of the file.>",
"md5_checksum": "<md5_checksum>",
"is_missing": false,
"is_content_volatile": false,
"flags": {
"all": false,
"can_be_edited_externally": false