Capabilities of M-Files Server and the connected document vault.
Name | Description | Type |
vault_login_accounts | Vault supports in-vault login accounts. | boolean |
public_link_sharing | Specifies whether sharing public links are allowed. | boolean |
latest_version_public_link_sharing | Specifies whether sharing public links for latest versions are allowed. | boolean |
facet_search | Specifies whether facet search are allowed. | boolean |
property_def_searchability | Specifies whether property definitions can be configured searchable or unsearchable. | boolean |
automatic_metadata | Server implements automatic metadata feature and the metadata extraction is enabled on server. | boolean |
file_streaming | Specifies whether file streaming is supported. | boolean |
search_options2 | Server supports search options. | boolean |
json_ext_applications | Server supports returning ext. application structs in json format. | boolean |
search_referenced_value_list_items | Server supports searching for value list items which are referenced by objects. | boolean |
get_text_content_with_options | Server supports calling the new GetTextContentForFile method with options. | boolean |
external_repository_object_migration | Server supports external repository object migration. | boolean |
client_http_api | Server supports communication with client through HTTP API. | boolean |
reverse_grouping_level | Server supports reverse grouping levels. | boolean |
replication_configuration_id | Server supports configuration ID in export and import jobs. | boolean |
detect_text_language | Server supports detecting the language of plain text. | boolean |
async_nacl_change_propagation | Server supports asynchronous NACL change propagation. | boolean |
object_data_retrieval_in_chunks | Server supports object data retrieval in chunks. | boolean |
async_tasks_retrieval | Server supports retrieving asynchronous tasks. | boolean |
find_duplicates | Server supports finding duplicate files. | boolean |
favor_full_text_search | Server supports favoring full-text search even if no AnyField conditions exist. | boolean |
application_task_queue | Server supports application task queue operations. | boolean |
object_permissions_for_client | Server supports MF_ObjectPermissionsForClient. | boolean |
undelete_user_account_by_guid | Server supports undeleting a user account by GUID. | boolean |
use_user_visible_aclin_searches | Server supports using UserVisibleACL in searches to check users' read access to objects. | boolean |
named_value_storage_conflict_detection | Server supports conflict detection when saving named values. | boolean |
hierarchical_object_type_properties | Properties with hierarchy for real object types supported. | boolean |
embedded_ui_for_share_point | Server supports embedding vNext UI to the SharePoint. | boolean |
embedded_ui_for_salesforce_crm | Server supports embedding vNext UI to the Salesforce. | boolean |
async_modify_object_class | Server supports asynchronous object class modification. | boolean |
settings_manager | Server supports settings management. | boolean |
web_user_interface | Server supports web user interface. | boolean |
remove_from_recently_accessed | Server supports removing objects from "Recently Accessed by Me" -view. | boolean |
plain_text_password_methods | Server supports plain text password methods. | boolean |
ocr_automatic_language_detection | Server supports OCR automatic language detection. | boolean |
ground_link | Server supports ground link feature. | boolean |
async_aacl_change_propagation | Server supports asynchronous AACL change propagation. | boolean |
google_integration_supported | Server supports google g-suite. | boolean |
document_compare | Server supports making document comparison requests. | boolean |
full_control_vault_user_can_modify_code | Server supports full control vault user can modify code (Cloud Service Fabric Isolated Service). | boolean |
broadcast_request_supported | Server supports sending pre-defined broadcast messages through the vault database. | boolean |
embedded_ui_for_arc_gis | Server supports embedding vNext UI to the ArcGIS. | boolean |
search_in_external_view_folder | Server supports search in external view folder. | boolean |
automatic_semantic_alias | Server supports automatic semantic aliases (advanced vault settings). | boolean |
automatic_online_transition | Server supports automatic online transition. | boolean |
vault_server_attachments | Server supports vault server attachment feature. | boolean |
replication_package_list_and_remove | Server supports replication package list and remove feature. | boolean |
plugin_replication_allowed_for_vault_admin | Does server support plugin replication for vault admins? | boolean |
recurring_notifications | Server supports recurring notifications. | boolean |
remove_workflows | Server supports removing workflows as a batch. | boolean |
jsoned_workflows_admin | Server supports JSONed workflows admin interface. | boolean |
tls_certificates | Server supports configuring TLS certificates. | boolean |
attach_vault_options_as_json | Server supports transmitting MF_AttachVaultOptions as JSON. | boolean |
web_client_sends_telemetry_data | Sending production telemetry data by web clients is enabled. | boolean |
ground_link_eot | Server supports ground link EOT feature. | boolean |
vault_access_rights64_bits | Server supports 64-bit VAULTACCESS. | boolean |
vault_role_manage_private_views | Server supports a vault role for managing private views. | boolean |
exclude_vaults_user_cannot_access | Server supports returning only vaults user has access to. | boolean |
find_duplicates_of_obj_ver | Server supports finding duplicate of ObjVer. | boolean |
add_object_with_files | Server supports adding object with files in single server call. | boolean |
folder_uistate_operations_of_view | Server supports accessing and setting Folder UI State of View as structure based data. | boolean |
long_smtpnotification_password_supported | Server supports long SMTP notification password. | boolean |
can_change_permissions_object_capability | Server supports "canChangePermissions" (OBJECTCAPABILITYFLAG_CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS) object capability flag. | boolean |
add_new_version_based_on_conflict_object | Server supports adding a new version to the object based on the related deleted conflict object. | boolean |
reading_replication_packages_from_new_location_supported | Server can read replication packages with full hash postfix. See Tracker issue: #158021. | boolean |
writing_replication_packages_to_new_location_supported | Server can write replication packages with full hash postfix. See Tracker issue: #158021. | boolean |
vault_health_check_supported | Server supports vault health check. | boolean |
allow_all_see_deleted_conflict_objects | Server supports that all users can see deleted conflict objects. | boolean |
automatic_conflict_resolution | Automatic conflict resolution is enabled in the vault. | boolean |
share_private_views | Server supports sharing private views. | boolean |
external_mail_source_oauth_proxy_supported | Server supports storing external mail source oauth proxy information. | boolean |
async_tasks_range_api | Server supports an API to get a range of asynchronous tasks. | boolean |
shared_link_based_wopioperations | Server supports shared link based wopi operations. | boolean |
advanced_password_hashes | Server supports hashing passwords with advanced algorithms, including at least PBKDF2. | boolean |
anonymous_authentication_supported | Server supports anonymous authentication. | boolean |
get_default_replication_configuration_supported | Server supports getting default configuration for replication. | boolean |
object_version_data_request_with_identity_type_supported | MF_ObjectVersionDataRequestIdentityType enumeration (eovdrit) is supported on MF_ObjectVersionDataRequest. | boolean |
rsa_aes_encryption | Encryption with RSA+AES is supported. | boolean |
indexer_monitoring_status | Indexer monitoring status is supported. | boolean |
green_lights_supported | Green Lights supported. | boolean |
allow_code_modification_with_valid_signature_supported | Server supports installation of signed scipts and apps by users. | boolean |
mdcc_resolved_on_server | The Metadata Card Configuration is delivered as a pre-resolved from a dedicated virtual NVS namespace. | boolean |
new_web_wopico_authoring_supported | WOPI CoAuthoring using New web is supported. | boolean |
get_vault_session_info_supported | Server supports returning of vault session info. | boolean |
event_log_saved_searches | EvenLog Saved Searches Supported. | boolean |
allow_sys_admin_unsigned_code_modification_supported | Sys Admins can install unsigned vault applications and modify unsigned VBScripts even when the signing feature is enabled. | boolean |
vault_app_dependencies_supported | If vault app installation can require other vault apps to be installed in the vault. | boolean |
dataset_deleted_condition_supported | Server supports deleted/not deleted-condition in an exported dataset definition. | boolean |
unified_password_hashes | Server supports transmitting hashing passwords with the same encoding between all gRPC methods. | boolean |
set_properties_with_missing_required_params_supported | Server supports SetProperties with missing required params. | boolean |
index_management_enabled | Index management operations are enabled for the server. | boolean |
search_results_sorting | Specifies whether the server supports sorting search results. | boolean |
property_action_state_transition_time | Server supports state transition time setting via state property action. | boolean |
set_new_web_as_default_client_supported | Server supports set new web as default client. | boolean |
ignore_vault_external_data_connection_points | Server supports ignore vault's external data connection points. | boolean |
add_user_returns_tasks_before_login | Server supports returning tasks the caller must wait before login to the vault with that user succeeds. | boolean |
m_files_link_supported | Server supports the new links and the Link Loading Page. | boolean |
can_verify_vault_app_signature | Server supports verification of vault app signatures. | boolean |
allow_signed_code_in_import_supported | Server supports allowing signed code importing even if the code import would be otherwise denied for the structure element. | boolean |
value_list_item_search_property_conditions | Server supports real property definition based conditions in value list item searches. | boolean |
additive_permissions_via_automatic_aclcomponents | Server supports additive permissions via automatic ACL components. | boolean |
set_default_view_from_my_filtered_views_supported | Server supportes setting default view from myfilteredviewdlg. | boolean |
set_properties_ex_supported | Server supports the updated SetPropertiesEx call. | boolean |
search_results_sorting_by_search_engine | Server supports search results sorting done by search engine. | boolean |
async_task_hierarchy_wait_supported | Server supports returning task hierarchy enabling waiting for all tasks matchins search conditions to complete. | boolean |
vault_level_optimization_jobs | Server supports vault-level optimization jobs. | boolean |
mdcc_conversion_on_server | Server supports converting metadata card configurations between primary and configurator versions. | boolean |
template_request_filter_supported | Server supports specifying a filter when requesting templates. | boolean |
import_views_with_older_last_modified_supported | Server supports importing views with an older last modified date and time. | boolean |
visitor_links_supported | Server supports new interface methods for visitor links. | boolean |
notifications_modern_authentication_supported | Server supports modern authentication (OAuth2) to send notifications. | boolean |
get_metadata_structure_supported | Server supports providing full metadata structure with one RPC call. | boolean |
optimize_vault_job_auto_cancel | Server supports auto-canceling optimize vault jobs. | boolean |
generate_v2_azure_auth_conf_supported | Server supports generating authentication configuration for Azure v2.0 endpoint. | boolean |
preview_thumbnail_supported | Server supports creating preview thumbnails. | boolean |
vault_connection_qrsettings | Server supports vault connection QR settings. | boolean |
run_extension_method | Server supports the 'RunExtensionMethod' method. | boolean |
structure_item_groups_in_export_supported | Server supports structure item groups in the export job. | boolean |
teams_add_on_supported | Server supports teams add-on. | boolean |
unified_login_supported | Server support all different types log-in methods through a single method. | boolean |
handling_technical_credentials_supported | Server supports handling of login accounts defined as technical credentials. | boolean |
jsoned_vault_basic_supported | Server supports JSONed vault basic. | boolean |
generate_login_service_auth_conf | Server supports generating authentication configuration for M-Files Login Service. | boolean |
new_desktop_supported | Server supports new vNext based Desktop. | boolean |
gl_comm_error | Server supports notifying greenlights joining errors and error is on. | boolean |
recently_used_values | Server supports storing and returning recently used values for lookup properties in metadata. | boolean |
"vault_login_accounts": false,
"public_link_sharing": false,
"latest_version_public_link_sharing": false,
"facet_search": false,
"property_def_searchability": false,
"automatic_metadata": false,
"file_streaming": false,
"search_options2": false,
"json_ext_applications": false,
"search_referenced_value_list_items": false,
"get_text_content_with_options": false,
"external_repository_object_migration": false,
"client_http_api": false,
"reverse_grouping_level": false,
"replication_configuration_id": false,
"detect_text_language": false,
"async_nacl_change_propagation": false,
"object_data_retrieval_in_chunks": false,
"async_tasks_retrieval": false,
"find_duplicates": false,
"favor_full_text_search": false,
"application_task_queue": false,
"object_permissions_for_client": false,
"undelete_user_account_by_guid": false,
"use_user_visible_aclin_searches": false,
"named_value_storage_conflict_detection": false,
"hierarchical_object_type_properties": false,
"embedded_ui_for_share_point": false,
"embedded_ui_for_salesforce_crm": false,
"async_modify_object_class": false,
"settings_manager": false,
"web_user_interface": false,
"remove_from_recently_accessed": false,
"plain_text_password_methods": false,
"ocr_automatic_language_detection": false,
"ground_link": false,
"async_aacl_change_propagation": false,
"google_integration_supported": false,
"document_compare": false,
"full_control_vault_user_can_modify_code": false,
"broadcast_request_supported": false,
"embedded_ui_for_arc_gis": false,
"search_in_external_view_folder": false,
"automatic_semantic_alias": false,
"automatic_online_transition": false,
"vault_server_attachments": false,
"replication_package_list_and_remove": false,
"plugin_replication_allowed_for_vault_admin": false,
"recurring_notifications": false,
"remove_workflows": false,
"jsoned_workflows_admin": false,
"tls_certificates": false,
"attach_vault_options_as_json": false,
"web_client_sends_telemetry_data": false,
"ground_link_eot": false,
"vault_access_rights64_bits": false,
"vault_role_manage_private_views": false,
"exclude_vaults_user_cannot_access": false,
"find_duplicates_of_obj_ver": false,
"add_object_with_files": false,
"folder_uistate_operations_of_view": false,
"long_smtpnotification_password_supported": false,
"can_change_permissions_object_capability": false,
"add_new_version_based_on_conflict_object": false,
"reading_replication_packages_from_new_location_supported": false,
"writing_replication_packages_to_new_location_supported": false,
"vault_health_check_supported": false,
"allow_all_see_deleted_conflict_objects": false,
"automatic_conflict_resolution": false,
"share_private_views": false,
"external_mail_source_oauth_proxy_supported": false,
"async_tasks_range_api": false,
"shared_link_based_wopioperations": false,
"advanced_password_hashes": false,
"anonymous_authentication_supported": false,
"get_default_replication_configuration_supported": false,
"object_version_data_request_with_identity_type_supported": false,
"rsa_aes_encryption": false,
"indexer_monitoring_status": false,
"green_lights_supported": false,
"allow_code_modification_with_valid_signature_supported": false,
"mdcc_resolved_on_server": false,
"new_web_wopico_authoring_supported": false,
"get_vault_session_info_supported": false,
"event_log_saved_searches": false,
"allow_sys_admin_unsigned_code_modification_supported": false,
"vault_app_dependencies_supported": false,
"dataset_deleted_condition_supported": false,
"unified_password_hashes": false,
"set_properties_with_missing_required_params_supported": false,
"index_management_enabled": false,
"search_results_sorting": false,
"property_action_state_transition_time": false,
"set_new_web_as_default_client_supported": false,
"ignore_vault_external_data_connection_points": false,
"add_user_returns_tasks_before_login": false,
"m_files_link_supported": false,
"can_verify_vault_app_signature": false,
"allow_signed_code_in_import_supported": false,
"value_list_item_search_property_conditions": false,
"additive_permissions_via_automatic_aclcomponents": false,
"set_default_view_from_my_filtered_views_supported": false,
"set_properties_ex_supported": false,
"search_results_sorting_by_search_engine": false,
"async_task_hierarchy_wait_supported": false,
"vault_level_optimization_jobs": false,
"mdcc_conversion_on_server": false,
"template_request_filter_supported": false,
"import_views_with_older_last_modified_supported": false,
"visitor_links_supported": false,
"notifications_modern_authentication_supported": false,
"get_metadata_structure_supported": false,
"optimize_vault_job_auto_cancel": false,
"generate_v2_azure_auth_conf_supported": false,
"preview_thumbnail_supported": false,
"vault_connection_qrsettings": false,
"run_extension_method": false,
"structure_item_groups_in_export_supported": false,
"teams_add_on_supported": false,
"unified_login_supported": false,
"handling_technical_credentials_supported": false,
"jsoned_vault_basic_supported": false,
"generate_login_service_auth_conf": false,
"new_desktop_supported": false,
"gl_comm_error": false,
"recently_used_values": false