ObjVerEx Properties


ACL Returns this object version's ACL.
CanModify Determines if this version can be modified. Specifically determines if this is the latest version, and is not checked out, or is checked out to this user.
Class Returns the object's class ID.
Exists Determines if the object exists in the vault (not deleted, destroyed, nor unresolvable). Tries to be more efficient and safe than calling IsDeleted and IsDestroyed separately.
History Retrieves the history of this object, with each version wrapped as an ObjVerEx object. Also ensures the order of the object is from newest to oldest. Includes all versions, including the called instance.
ID Returns the ID of this object.
Info Returns the version information associated with this ObjVer.
IsDeleted Indicates whether the object is deleted.
IsDestroyed Indicates whether the object version has been destroyed.
IsEnteringState Determines if the object is entering the current state... IE. it is unique from the previous state.
IsFirstVersion Determines whether this object version is the first of the object.
IsLatestVersion Returns a boolean indicating whether the object is of the latest version.
IsLoaded Indicates whether both the Info (ObjectVersion) and Properties have been loaded in this wrapper.
IsPromoted Indicates whether this object is promoted from external source.
IsRecord Indicates whether this object is a M-Files Record.
IsTemplate Indicates whether this object is an M-Files template.
ObjID Returns the ObjID of this object.
ObjVer Returns the ObjVer of this object.
Permissions Returns this object version's permissions.
PreviousVersion The previous version of this object. Will fetch the properties and info of the previous version, as well.
Properties Returns the properties associated with this ObjVer.
SpecificVersion Returns whether specific version information is available, or if this ObjVerEx refers to the latest. Note: Accessing the Version property will automatically lookup the latest version.
State Returns the object's state. -1 if not set.
Title The title of this object version.
Type Returns the Type of this object.
Vault Returns the vault in which this object resides.
Version Returns the Version of this object.
VersionComment The version comment.
Workflow Returns the object's workflow. -1 if not set.

See Also