MFiles.VAF.Common Namespace



AccessCache Access Cache Class : Caches all Object, Class, and Property Structure elements. User and Groups Access rights are stored on the structure element that each are related to.


Used in order to check the Levels of Access a User or UserGroup has to a Object, Class or Property, or from an ObjVerEx.
AccessCache cache = new AccessCache( ServerVault );
ObjVerEx objVerEx = ObjVerEx.Parse( ServerVault, "(0-6)" );

AccessCache.ObjVerExPermissions objVerExPermissions = new AccessCache.ObjVerExPermissions(
           ( int ) MFBuiltInUserGroup.MFBuiltInUserGroupAllInternalUsers,
           true );

Console.WriteLine( objVerExPermissions.ToString(true) );

AccessCache.Accessibility hiddenProp = objVerExPermissions.Properties.SingleOrDefault( p => p.StructureID == 1234 );
Assert.IsNotNull( hiddenProp );
Assert.IsFalse( hiddenProp.CanRead );
Accessibility The Accessibility Class provides a wrapper around the AccessControlEntry class.
ApplicationDefinition ApplicationDefinition is a class that provides the application basic information read from the appdef.xml which is associated with the application.
ApplicationDefinitionApplicationDefinitionData The internal data representation in appdef.xml.
ApplicationDefinitionApplicationDefinitionDataElementNames appdef.xml element names from which the data is read.
AutomaticStateTransitionTriggerAttribute Attribute for marking the automatic state transition conditions evaluation handlers. Handler signature: delegate bool AutomaticStateTransitionTriggerMethod( StateTransitionEnvironment environment, out int nextState )
AutoTempFile A class to create and hold the ownership of a temporary file. The temporary file is deleted when the class instance is disposed.
AutoTempFolder A class to create and hold the ownership of a temporary folder. The temporary folder is deleted when the class instance is disposed.
BackgroundOperation A background operation, that can be used to run a method in a background task. The method can be run at given intervals. Runs only one method at a time. Will delay the next run, if previous run is still ongoing.
BackgroundOperationManager A manager to keep track of running background operations and their cancellation.
BackgroundOperationStatus The status of a background operation at one given moment.
ByteExtensions Byte extensions.
ClassAccess ObjectClass implementation of the StructureAccess base.
EnvironmentBase An object that contains variables available to a script.
EventHandlerAttribute Allows methods to be specified as event handler delegates. If these attributes match a certain event environment, the attached method will be executed.
EventHandlerEnvironment An object that contains variables available to a script.
ExtensionMethods Convenience methods for Vault objects.
FlaggedFeatureHelper Helper methods for the FlaggedFeatures operations.
JTokenExtensionMethods Extension / Helper methods for the JToken objects used in JSON Serialization / Deserialization throughout the VAF.
LookupExtensionMethods Defines convenience methods for the Lookup interface.
LookupsExtensionMethods Defines convenience methods for the Lookups interface.
MethodSource Implements method source for the inheriting class.
MFConfigurationAttribute Attribute for marking the configuration objects.
MFFileHelper Utility methods for file handling in M-Files.
MFPropertyValuesBuilder Provides chainable convenience methods for defining a new object's properties. Allows properties passed as aliases, by looking up the correct IDs.
MFSearchBuilder Provides a chainable SearchConditions wrapper with convenience methods.
MFUtils Provides some common utility methods for M-Files operations.
ModuleValidationException Exception thrown when modular applications have modules that fail validation.
NamedACLAccess NamedACL implementation of the StructureAccess base.
NotFoundException A generic 'Not found' exception. This is .NET replacement for the E_MFILES_NOT_FOUND error.
ObjectAccess ObjType implementation of the StructureAccess base.
ObjectVersionsExtensionMethods ObjectVersions Extension Methods.
ObjIDEqualityComparer Equality comparer for ObjID objects
ObjIDExtensionMethods Extension methods for the ObjID object.
ObjVerChanges Resolves the property changes between an object, and its previous version.
ObjVerEqualityComparer Equality comparer for ObjVer objects.
ObjVerEx Wraps an ObjVer object and vault, and provides convenience methods.
ObjVerExCollectionExtensionMethods Provides extension methods for collections of ObjVerExs.
ObjVerExPermissions Permissions Accessibility wrapper for an ObjVerEx.
ObjVerExtensionMethods Extension methods for the ObjVer object.
ObjVerIDEqualityComparer Equality comparer for ObjVers based only on ID (not version) Essentially compares their underlying ObjID.
PropertyAccess PropertyDef implementation of the StructureAccess base.
PropertyAttribute Allows methods to be specified as event handler delegates. If these attributes match a certain event environment, the attached method will be executed.
PropertyAutomaticNumberingAttribute Attribute for marking the customized automatic numbering handler methods. Handler signature: delegate TypedValue ValidationMethod( PropertyEnvironment environment )
PropertyCustomValueAttribute Attribute for marking the custom value calculation handler methods. Handler signature: delegate TypedValue CustomValueMethod( PropertyEnvironment environment )
PropertyEnvironment An object that contains variables available to a script.
PropertyValueChange Defines a changed property value between object versions.
PropertyValueExtensionMethods Provides convenience extension methods for the PropertyValue objects.
PropertyValuesExtensionMethods Provides convenience extension methods for the PropertyValues collection.
PropertyValueValidationAttribute Attribute for marking the property value validation handler methods. Handler signature: delegate bool ValidationMethod( PropertyEnvironment environment, out string message )
ReferenceTree Reference Tree Resolution Object.
ReferenceTreeMFDynamicIdentifier Dynamic MFIdentifier resolution object, resolves MFIdentfier via ReferenceTreeComplexReference's.
ReferenceTreeProcessCmd Static Command Processing Class.
ReferenceTreeReferenceTreeBranch Contains Nested[ Depth ], Tree Branch ReferenceTree Information.
ReferenceTreeTreeMap ReferenceTreeTreeMap MFIdentifier Collection Class.
ReferenceTrees Contains a Collection of ReferenceTree's and their nested ReferenceTreeReferenceTreeBranch's.
RegistryHelper Registry helper class originally taken from the, "MFiles.System" namespace
RegKey Registry key helper class.
RegValue Registry value helper.
ScriptAttributeBase Common VAF Attribute base class. If these attributes match a certain environment, the attached method will be executed.
SearchConditionsExtender Convenience methods for SearchConditions objects.
StateActionAttribute Attribute for marking the state run action handlers. Handler signature: delegate void RunActionMethod( StateEnvironment environment )
StateAttribute Allows methods to be specified as event handler delegates. If these attributes match a certain event environment, the attached method will be executed.
StateEnvironment An object that contains variables available to a script.
StatePostConditionsAttribute Attribute for marking the state post-condition evaluation handlers. Handler signature: delegate bool PostConditionsMethod( StateEnvironment environment, out string message )
StatePreConditionsAttribute Attribute for marking the state precondition evaluation handlers. Handler signature: delegate bool PreConditionsMethod( StateEnvironment environment, out string message )
StateTransitionAttribute Allows methods to be specified as event handler delegates. If these attributes match a certain event environment, the attached method will be executed.
StateTransitionEnvironment An object that contains variables available to a script.
StringExtensions Provides generic string extensions.
StringsExtensions Strings collection extensions.
StructureAccess Base Class : Structure Access : Inherited from by all classes in the Structure Access Family used by the AccessCache.
SysUtils Provides some common utility methods for system operations.
TranslatableContentExtender The TranslatableContentExtender static class contains extension methods for the TranslatableContent class.
TypedValueEqualityComparer Equality comparer for TypedValues objects.
TypedValueExtensionMethods TypedValue extension methods.
UrlHelper Helps generate urls to m-files content.
UserAccountEqualityComparer Equality comparer for UserAccounts objects.
UserGroupEqualityComparer Equality comparer for UserGroups objects.
VaultExtensionMethodAttribute The attribute class for extension method implementations.
VaultObjectOperationsExtensionMethods Vault ObjectOperations Extension Methods.
VaultObjectPropertyOperationsExtensionMethods Vault ObjectPropertyOperations Extension Methods.
VaultServerAttachmentsExtensions VaultServerAttachments extensions methods.



IAccessCache Accessor Interface.
IEnvironment The execution environment interface.
IEventHandlerAttribute Common interface for event handler attributes.
IEventHandlerEnvironment The event hander
IMethodSource Interface for accessing methods decorated with the given attribute.
IPropertyAttribute Common interface for event handler attributes.
IPropertyEnvironment The property execution environment.
IStateAttribute Common interface for state handlers attributes.
IStateEnvironment The state execution environment.
IStateTransitionAttribute Common interface for state handlers attributes.
IStateTransitionEnvironment The state execution environment.


BackgroundOperationOperationEventHandler An event handler, that takes a background operation.


BackgroundOperationState A type for the state of the background operation.
EqualityCompareOptions Equality compare options.
MFEventFilterOptions Flags that allow further filtering of event handler delegation.
MFFeatureFlagMaturity The recognized feature maturity states.
PropertyAttributeAttributeType The property attribute type enumeration.
PropertyValueChangeType Indicates the type of property change between versions of an object.
ReferenceTreeComplexReference The Complex Placeholder - Available Triggers that can perform logical actions against an object in order to retrieve an Object. These Items Modify the Base Context Object.
ReferenceTreePropertyReference The Simple Reference - Available Triggers that can perform a logical actions against an object in order to retrieve an object or lookup reference. These Items Modify the Base Context Object.
ReferenceTreeResolutionType Specifies the value type to resolve using a ReferenceTree.
ReferenceTreeSimplePlaceholder The Simple Placeholder - Available Triggers that can perform logical actions against an object in order to retrieve a string value. These Items Do Not Modify the Base Context Object.
RegistryHelperRegistryAccessFlags Registry access flags.
RegistryHelperRegOption Registry option enum.
RegistryHelperRegResult Result of registry action.
RegistryHelperRegSAM Registry security access mask. IE, permissions flags.
StateAttributeAttributeType The state attribute type enumeration.
UrlTargetPlatform The various platforms MFiles Urls can target.