NamedACLAccess Class

NamedACL implementation of the StructureAccess base.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Common
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public class NamedACLAccess : StructureAccess
Object    StructureAccess    NamedACLAccess


NamedACLAccess StructureAccess Property Implementation.


ACL AccessControlList dictating access to this structure element.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
Groups Dictionary of ( GroupID, Accessibility ).
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
StructureID Structure element ID.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
Users Dictionary of ( UserID, Accessibility ).
(Inherited from StructureAccess)


AddEntry Add User or Group ID method.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
CanChangePermissions Checks the change permissions access for the passed user or group against this value structure element.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
CanEdit Checks the edit access for the passed user or group against this value structure element.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
CanRead Checks the read access for the passed user or group against this value structure element.
(Inherited from StructureAccess)
ToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

See Also