public static class MFUtils
BuiltInProperties | Built in property def ids. |
AddUniqueT(IListT, T) | Collection Extension to Ensure items added to a collection are unique |
AddUniqueT(IListT, IEnumerableT) | Collection Extension to Ensure items added to a collection are unique |
AddWeekDays | Adds number of requested week days to current day and returns it. |
ClearTransactionVariable | Removes a key from the named value storage. |
ConvertToLocalVault | Converts the vault object to locally used and possibly stored vault object. This method allows the implementations to improve the performance by using in-process vault. |
GetFirstWorkflowState | Gets the first workflow state defined by a workflow. |
GetLoadableTypes | Get all loadable types from an assembly. |
GetStateActionSetPropertyValue | Retrieves the Property value of a State action for specific property if it exists. Returns null if property or action set properties not found. |
GetStateAdmin | Retrieves the StateAdmin object for a state. |
GetTransactionVariables | Gets all values from a specific named value storage namespace. |
GetWorkflowIDByState | Finds a state's workflow. |
GetWorkflowIDByTransition | Finds a transition's workflow. |
IsAlreadyCheckedOutError | Checks if the Exception is an 'Already checked out' error. |
IsAtleast | Return true if this version is at least the given separate version number. |
IsFileNotFoundError | Checks if the Exception is an 'The system cannot find the file specified.' error. |
IsInvalidComObjectError | |
IsLikelyTransientError | |
IsLockConflictError | |
IsMFilesAccessDeniedError | Checks if the COMException is an 'Object Locked' error. |
IsMFilesAlreadyExistsError | Checks if the Exception is a M-Files 'already exists' error. |
IsMFilesError | |
IsMFilesNotFoundError | Checks if the exception is a 'not found' error. |
IsMFilesObjectLockedError | Checks if the COMException is an 'Object Locked' error. |
IsObjIDString | Indicates if the passed string matches a valid ObjID format. |
IsObjVerString | Indicates if the passed string matches a valid ObjVer format. |
IsRemoteProcedureCallFailedError | Determines if this error is a Remote procedure call failed error.. |
IsRpcServerUnavailableError | Determines if this error is a RPC Server Unavailable error. |
IsSessionWithServerNoLongerValidError | Determines if this error is a "The current session with M-Files Server is no longer valid" error. |
IsValidEmail | Email Address Validator. |
IsValidGuid | Indicates whether the passed string is a valid M-Files formatted GUID. {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} |
IsValidLicenseStatus | Return true if given license status is for valid license. |
ObjIDString | Converts an ObjID into human readable, and code-parseable string. |
ObjVerString | Converts an ObjVer into human readable, and code-parseable string. |
ParseObjIDString | Parses a string into an ObjID object. |
ParseObjVerString | Parses a string into an ObjVer object. |
RemoveWhitespace | Removes all white spaces from the given string. |
SetTransactionVariable | Sets a value to the named value storage. |
ToAliasArray | Helper used for parsing the semantic aliases string into an string array of aliases. |
ToLookups | Collection Extension to convert a List of ObjVerEx to a Lookups collection. |
ToStrings | Converts a IEnumerable of string into a Strings collection. |
TryGetPropertyValueFromComObj | Attempts to resolve the value from the properties a COM object using the property name. This prevents errors in some com objects that may not have a value set for the property. - These properties will throw an "Unspecified error. (0x80004005)" when attempting to - access the value if no value is present. |
TryGetTransactionVariable | Gets a specific value from the named value storage. |
CurrentUser | Constant -100, current user. |
CurrentUserAndUsersForWhomTheCurrentUserIsASubstitute | Constant -103, current user and users for whom the current user is a substitute |
DefaultClassPropertyDefs | List of properties included automatically as associated property defs in all classes. |