ILicensedVaultApplication Interface

Interface methods to implement by a license enabled application. Application does not need to inherit this interface but it will need to implement the methods defined in this.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public interface ILicensedVaultApplication


GetApplicationLicenseDetails Called by platform, at any time, to request the license details text, either currenly set license or the one given as argument. Make this method as fast as possible.
GetApplicationLicenseStatus Called by platform, at any time, to request the license status, either currently set license or the one given as argument. Returning the value MFApplicationLicenseStatusFormatError for a new license will prevent the user from saving that license into the database. Make this method as fast as possible.
SetApplicationLicense Setting in new license content. Gets called after application instantiation before Initialize(), and also when a new license is applied from MF-Admin.

See Also