MFiles.VAF Namespace



AssemblyLocator AssemblyLocator contains the implementation of the assembly resolve event for an AppDomain.
AssemblyProxy AssemblyProxy is an object that can be instantiated in a separate AppDomain and called from the primary AppDomain.
AssemblyVersionCompatibilityResolver A static class with pre-defined name that contains the assembly version compatibility checking method.
DynamicModuleLoader The module loader that seeks and dynamically loads assemblies from assembly file locations.
EventHandlerMethodInfo EventHandlerMethodInfo encapsulates an event handling method.
EventTracingForWindows Wrapper class for the EventTracingForWindowsImpl class. This is needed because the classes that inherit from EventSource can't implement interfaces. The possibility to implement interfaces is added to .NET 4.6.
LicenseManagerBaseT License Manager used by the VaultApplicationBase.
ModularVaultApplicationBase Common base class for application that was to use separate modules in the implementation.
PropertyMethodInfo PropertyMethodInfo represents a handler method that the VBScript delegates to. It can handle property value validation, customized automatic numbering and custom value calculation.
ScriptCancellationException Exception of which only the message part is displayed to the user.
ScriptEnvironment A COM-Visible object that contains variables available to a script.
ScriptResult Represents the results of a Compliance Kit handler execution.
StateMethodInfo StateMethodInfo represents a handler method that the VBScript delegates to. It can handle state run actions, pre- and postconditions and automatic state transitions.
StateTransitionMethodInfo StateTransitionMethodInfo represents a handler method that the VBScript delegates to. It can evaluate the automatic state transition triggers.
VaultApplicationBase Vault application entry point
VaultApplicationBaseMethodInfoPriorityComparerT Priority comparer for event handler infos.
VaultExtensionMethodInfo VaultExtensionMethodInfo encapsulates an vault extension method call.


IApplicationLicense Interface for the applications license utilized by the VaultApplicationBase. The actual content class shall be stored in member and accessed via Content(). Clone shall return a duplicate that can be used to load/check new license content.
IEventHandlerMethodInfo Interface for executing the event handler methods.
IExecutionTrace Interface for tracking the handler executions.
ILicensedVaultApplication Interface methods to implement by a license enabled application. Application does not need to inherit this interface but it will need to implement the methods defined in this.
IMetadataStructureCacheEventSink Interface for the event handlers that are responsible of updating the metadata structure cache.
IMethodInfoBase IMethodInfoBase is a base interface for method info interface that can be ordered according to the priority.
IPropertyMethodInfo Interface for executing property validation and automatic calculation methods.
IStateMethodInfo Interface for executing state action and condition evaluation methods.
IStateTransitionMethodInfo Interface for executing state action and condition evaluation methods.
IUsesVaultExtensionMethods Inherit to allow adding Vault Extension Methods dynamically.
IVaultApplication Common interface for the vault applications.
IVaultExtensionMethodInfo Interface for executing the vault extension methods.


EventHandlerMethodInfoEventHandlerMethod Delegate declaration for the event handler methods. Invoking the handlers through delegates is much faster than invoking from the MethodInfo.
PropertyMethodInfoAutomaticNumberingMethod The customized automatic numbering method delegate. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
PropertyMethodInfoCustomValueMethod The custom value calculation method delegate. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
PropertyMethodInfoValidationMethod The property value validation method delegate. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
StateMethodInfoPostConditionsMethod State preconditions evaluation method delegate declaration. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
StateMethodInfoPreConditionsMethod State postconditions evaluation method delegate declaration. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
StateMethodInfoRunActionMethod Run action method delegate declaration. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
StateTransitionMethodInfoAutomaticStateTransitionTriggerMethod State automatic state transition conditions evaluation method delegate declaration. See the actual methods for information on the parameters.
VaultExtensionMethodInfoVaultExtensionMethod Delegate declaration for the event handler methods. Invoking the handlers through delegates is much faster than invoking from the MethodInfo.


ApplicationRunningStatus The application running statuses.