Block Properties


ChildCount The number of child nodes this node has.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateNode)
Children This node's child nodes.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateNode)
End The placeholder that closed the block.
IsLeaf True if this node cannot contain children.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateNode)
Parent This node's parent node.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateElement)
Root The placeholder template in which this node resides.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateElement)
Settings The settings which control how a placeholders are parsed and expanded.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateElement)
Start The placeholder that opened the block.
Text The raw text value.
(Overrides PlaceholderTemplateNodeText)
Type The type of node this object represents.
(Overrides PlaceholderTemplateNodeType)
ValidChildTypes The type of child nodes this node can contain.
(Overrides PlaceholderTemplateNodeValidChildTypes)
Vault The vault for which the placeholder document is defined/intended.
(Inherited from PlaceholderTemplateElement)

See Also