Block | Represents a block of placeholder template nodes between a Block opening placeholder and block closing placeholders. |
BlockCommandHandler | The base handler for placeholders that open or close template blocks . |
BooleanContext | A list of booleans as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
ClientPlaceholderCommandGenerator | |
CloningCommandHandlerProvider | Provides command handlers by providing a clone of the command handler it was created with. |
CommandProviders | Placeholder command providers indexed by their respective commands. |
DateContext | A list of dates as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
DefaultPlaceholderEnvironment | |
ExpandedBlock | Contains the expansion results of block for a specific context. |
ExpandedLevel | Contains the expansion results of a single level within a placeholder for a specific context. |
ExpandedPlaceholder | Contains the expansion results of Placeholder Text segment in a specific context. |
ExpandedPlaceholderTemplate | Contains the expansion results of Placeholder Text Template for a specific context. |
ExpandedPlaceholderTemplateNode | Base implementation of an expanded node in a placeholder template. |
ExpandedText | Contains the expansion results of a static text for a specific context. |
ExpansionContext | Static helper methods for expansion contexts. |
ExpansionContextT | A list of values as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
ExtendedValueListItemContext | Represents the value list item context of values from a specific built in value list. |
FileContext | A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
FloatContext | A list of floating point numbers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
IntegerContext | A list of integers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
LevelInfo | Parsed Placeholder level information. |
NoContext | A list of integers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
ObjectContext | A list of objects as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
ObjVerExReadCache | A simple read cache for ObjVerEx objects. It assumes that ObjVerExs in the cache will not be modified within the cache, or on the server during the lifetime of the cache. |
Placeholder | Represents a placeholder within a placeholder template. |
PlaceholderCommandHandler | Abstract implementation of a Placeholder Command Handler used to validate and expand a placeholder level command. |
PlaceholderCommandProviderT | A generic implementation of IPlaceholderCommandProvider. |
PlaceholderEnvironment | |
PlaceholderEnvironmentTTemplateContext | |
PlaceholderExpansionIssue | Describes an issue encountered during placeholder text expansion. |
PlaceholderFormatter | |
PlaceholderLevel | Represents a single level within a placeholder. |
PlaceholderTemplate | Represents text that may contain placeholders. |
PlaceholderTemplateElement | Base class for all PlaceholderTemplateNodes besides the root PlaceholderTemplate. |
PlaceholderTemplateIssue | An issue with a placeholder template. |
PlaceholderTemplateNode | A node within a placeholder document. |
PlaceholderTemplateParser | Parses placeholder templates (text with multiple placeholders in them). |
PlaceholderTemplateParserOptions | |
PlaceholderTemplateSettings | Settings to control how a placeholder template is parsed and expanded. |
PlaceholderTextEx | |
PlaceholderTextExTPlaceholderEnvironment | |
PlaceholderTextExTPlaceholderEnvironment, TTemplateContext | |
PlaceholderValidator | Validates placeholder texts defined in module configurations. |
PropertyValueContext | A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
StaticPlaceholderText | Represents a static text node within a placeholder template node. |
TemplateContext | |
TextContext | A list of strings as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
TimeContext | A list of times as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
TimestampContext | A list of timestamps as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
TypedValueContext | A list of typedvalues as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. All values have the same datatype. |
UserAccountContext | A list of user accounts as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
UserGroupContext | A list of user accounts as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
ValueListItemContext | A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
IClonablePlaceholderCommandHandler | Interface for PlaceholderCommandHandlers to implement so they can utilize the CloningCommandHandlerProvider |
IEncodingPlaceholderCommand | Indicates which placeholders perform encoding, to ensure values aren't double encoded during expansion. Implementations need to expand to encoded text, as well as provide their dedicated encoding method. |
IExpansionContext | A list of values as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. |
IObjTypeCommandHandler | Interface for command handlers that return objects or lookups of a specific object type or value list. |
IPlaceholderCommandHandler | Defines a handler for a placeholder level command. A handler is responsible for expanding the current ExpansionContext into another. |
IPlaceholderCommandProvider | Interface for providing a Placeholder level command handler. |
IPropertyValueCommandHandler | Interface for command hanlders that return the property values of a specific property. |
PlaceholderIssueType | Defines the |
PlaceholderNodeType | The types of nodes within a placeholder template. |