MFiles.VAF.Placeholders Namespace



Block Represents a block of placeholder template nodes between a Block opening placeholder and block closing placeholders.
BlockCommandHandler The base handler for placeholders that open or close template blocks .
BooleanContext A list of booleans as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
CloningCommandHandlerProvider Provides command handlers by providing a clone of the command handler it was created with.
CommandProviders Placeholder command providers indexed by their respective commands.
DateContext A list of dates as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
ExpandedBlock Contains the expansion results of block for a specific context.
ExpandedLevel Contains the expansion results of a single level within a placeholder for a specific context.
ExpandedPlaceholder Contains the expansion results of Placeholder Text segment in a specific context.
ExpandedPlaceholderTemplate Contains the expansion results of Placeholder Text Template for a specific context.
ExpandedPlaceholderTemplateNode Base implementation of an expanded node in a placeholder template.
ExpandedText Contains the expansion results of a static text for a specific context.
ExpansionContext Static helper methods for expansion contexts.
ExpansionContextT A list of values as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
ExtendedValueListItemContext Represents the value list item context of values from a specific built in value list.
FileContext A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
FloatContext A list of floating point numbers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
IntegerContext A list of integers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
LevelInfo Parsed Placeholder level information.
NoContext A list of integers as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
ObjectContext A list of objects as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
ObjVerExReadCache A simple read cache for ObjVerEx objects. It assumes that ObjVerExs in the cache will not be modified within the cache, or on the server during the lifetime of the cache.
Placeholder Represents a placeholder within a placeholder template.
PlaceholderCommandHandler Abstract implementation of a Placeholder Command Handler used to validate and expand a placeholder level command.
PlaceholderCommandProviderT A generic implementation of IPlaceholderCommandProvider.
PlaceholderExpansionIssue Describes an issue encountered during placeholder text expansion.
PlaceholderLevel Represents a single level within a placeholder.
PlaceholderTemplate Represents text that may contain placeholders.
PlaceholderTemplateElement Base class for all PlaceholderTemplateNodes besides the root PlaceholderTemplate.
PlaceholderTemplateIssue An issue with a placeholder template.
PlaceholderTemplateNode A node within a placeholder document.
PlaceholderTemplateParser Parses placeholder templates (text with multiple placeholders in them).
PlaceholderTemplateSettings Settings to control how a placeholder template is parsed and expanded.
PlaceholderTextExTPlaceholderEnvironment, TTemplateContext  
PlaceholderValidator Validates placeholder texts defined in module configurations.
PropertyValueContext A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
StaticPlaceholderText Represents a static text node within a placeholder template node.
TextContext A list of strings as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
TimeContext A list of times as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
TimestampContext A list of timestamps as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
TypedValueContext A list of typedvalues as the input or output of placeholder level expansion. All values have the same datatype.
UserAccountContext A list of user accounts as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
UserGroupContext A list of user accounts as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
ValueListItemContext A list of value list items as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.


IClonablePlaceholderCommandHandler Interface for PlaceholderCommandHandlers to implement so they can utilize the CloningCommandHandlerProvider
IEncodingPlaceholderCommand Indicates which placeholders perform encoding, to ensure values aren't double encoded during expansion. Implementations need to expand to encoded text, as well as provide their dedicated encoding method.
IExpansionContext A list of values as the input or output of placeholder level expansion.
IObjTypeCommandHandler Interface for command handlers that return objects or lookups of a specific object type or value list.
IPlaceholderCommandHandler Defines a handler for a placeholder level command. A handler is responsible for expanding the current ExpansionContext into another.
IPlaceholderCommandProvider Interface for providing a Placeholder level command handler.
IPropertyValueCommandHandler Interface for command hanlders that return the property values of a specific property.


PlaceholderIssueType Defines the
PlaceholderNodeType The types of nodes within a placeholder template.