DashboardHelperCustomAttributes Class
Custom html tag attributes understood by the configurator.
Value should be the id of a domain command.
Attribute should be used together with the ContentTarget
attribute or the RefreshInterval attribute.
When set, the element will become a link, that when activated,
will trigger the specified domain command, and use the content
returned by the command to update the content of the element
referenced in the data-contenttarget attribute.
Value should the the id of an element inside the dashboard.
Attribute should be used together with the ContentCommand attribute.
The element referenced in will have its inner html content updated to that which
was returned when the sibling content command is executed.
Value should be the id of a domain command.
When set, the element will becomome a link, that when activated,
will trigger the specified domain command.
Value should be the time in seconds between calls to a domain command.
Attribute should be used together with the ContentCommand attribute.
When set, the element will automatically call the domain command
at the defined interval, and replace the inner html content of
the element with the content returned by the command.
Value should be a valid node path in the configurator's navigation pane.
When set, the element will become a link, that when activated,
will navigate to the node at specified node path.