Deserialize(Type, String)
Method to load the configuration from the specified string. Creates a new object.
Generic method to load the configuration from the specified string. Creates a new object.
Deserialize<T>(String, T)
Method to load the configuration from the specified string. Populates an existing object.
Load(Vault, Type, String, String)
Method to load the configuration from the specified vault.
Load<T>(Vault, String, String)
Generic method to load the configuration from the specified vault.
Method to populate the configuration from the specified vault.
ReadConfigurationData(Vault, String, String)
Returns the persisted configuration data from vault.
ReadConfigurationData(Vault, String, String, String)
Returns the persisted configuration data from vault.
Save the configuration to the specified vault.
Persists the configuration data to the vault.
Serializes the given configuration object to a string.