public class FileContext : ExpansionContext<FileClass>
ContextType |
The type of value this context contains.
(Overrides ExpansionContextTContextType) |
Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
IsReadOnly |
Indicates if the list can be modified, or is readonly.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Item |
Gets or sets the item at the specified index.
Ignores null values.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
List |
Internal list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Text |
A string representation of the values contained.
(Overrides ExpansionContextTText) |
Type |
The type of item this list contains.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Add |
Adds an item to the list. Ignores null values.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
AssertValidItem |
Ensures an item is valid before it is added to the list.
Delegated to by the IList methods that add a value to the list.
The item to add is returned. If null is returned nothing will be added.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Clear |
Removes all items from the list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Clone |
Returns a new instance of this context type with the same values.
(Overrides ExpansionContextTClone) |
Contains |
Determines whether the item is present in the list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the list to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through each item of the list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
IndexOf |
Determines the index of a specific item.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Insert |
Inserts an item at the specified index.
Ignores null values.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
Remove |
Removes an item from the list.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
RemoveAt |
Removes the item at the specified index.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
SafeCastT2 |
Casts the context to an enumerable list of type T safely.
If the cast is not valid, null is returned.
(Inherited from ExpansionContextT) |
UniqueValues |
Returns a new instance of this context type with duplicate values removed.
(Overrides ExpansionContextTUniqueValues) |