IConfigurationDomainNode Interface

Represents a configuration domain node within the MFAdmin configurator that can be managed by an AdminConfigurationManagerBase implementation. The GetCapabilities method is used to tell the manager which features a node supports and directly corresponds to which methods it can call. Most methods therefore do not need any real implementations. For example, Validate(IConfigurationRequestContext, String) can simply throw a NotSupportedException unless GetCapabilities returns the Validation flag. Conversely though, even if a proper implementation is provided, it will not be used unless the corresponding flag is returned from GetCapabilities. The following methods must have real implementations: - GetID - GetName(IConfigurationRequestContext) - GetDescription(IConfigurationRequestContext) - GetSortPriority(IConfigurationRequestContext) - GetCapabilities


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Configuration.AdminConfigurations
Assembly: MFiles.VAF.Configuration (in MFiles.VAF.Configuration.dll) Version: 23.12.13247.3
public interface IConfigurationDomainNode


GetCapabilities Describes the capabilities this node has. The capabilities returned correspond to which interface methods are implemented/ok to call.
GetCommands Provides the commands that can be shown and/or run for this node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the Commands flag.
GetConfiguration Gets the current/stored configuration value for the node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the Configuration flag.
GetConfigurationSchema Gets the schema describing the structure of the configuration. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the Schema flag.
GetDashboardContent Provides the html for a custom dashboard to display for the node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the StatusDashboard flag.
GetDescription Provides a description of the domain. Currently displayed in the domain header area, and in some default dashboards.
GetID Provides the static id for the node. This value should at least be unique amongst siblings. IDs cannot have spaces, newlines or periods.
GetName Gets the human readable name for the domain. Can be localized.
GetSortPriority Controls the order in which the node appears amongst siblings.
GetStatusSummary Provides a status summary for the node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the StatusSummary flag.
GetSubDomainNodes Provides a list of sub domain nodes to appear as children of this node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the SubDomains flag.
SaveConfiguration Saves a new configuration value for the node. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the Configuration flag.
Validate Validates the node along with the current, or passed configuration text. Only safe to call if GetCapabilities returns the Validation flag.

Extension Methods

AssertCapable Throws an exception if a node does not support a certain capability.
(Defined by ConfigurationDomainNodeExtensionMethods)
IsCapable Determines whether a node supports a certain capability. Capabilities correspond to interface methods that are valid to call on a node.
(Defined by ConfigurationDomainNodeExtensionMethods)

See Also